Page 130 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 130
Hm. G. E. Triischler, Q.C.
Rev. J. A. hlaelellaii
Rev. Henry Cair, C.S.B.
Very Rev. G. B. Flaliiff, C.S.B.
Rev. J. S. McGivern, S.J.
On a point of further business, the Rev. W. J. Osborne. Pli. D.,
a former fresideiit Generai of the associatiori, ealled attentiori to the
fact that the executive had agreed several years apo to consider the
advisability of lioldirig tlie aniiual nieetiiig in St. Jolin. Xerv Brunswick.
but tLat no defiriite steps had beeii taken in this regard. He urg-ed that
the executive act ori its pledge. 11 motion rvas then made by YIr. Paul
Cuddihy, Rouyn, Quebec, swoiided by Sister Francis d'Assisi: that
the executive be urged IO coiisider holding the annual nieetiiig at St.
Johu, New Brunswick at the earliest corivenient date. Motion carried.
Zloi,ed 1iv Mr. Henry. seconded by Rev. Ambrosc Raftis, that ihe
meetiug adjourn. Carried.
Artbur P. hlon~aari