Page 129 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 129

Minutes of the annual meeting
                                              of the English Section of the
                                     Canadian Catholic Historical Association

                                                      held  at  Laval  Universitv
                                                         Oclober  11, 1958

                                      T~P meeting  Came  to  ordcr  at  3:M P.M., under  the  ctiairmanship
                                  of  Dr. A.  P.  Maiiahan,  Secretary  ol the  Engli~h Seetion  C.C.H.A.
                                      The  major  item  oc  the  business  agenda  was  tlie  election of  oEcers
                                  for  the  year  1959.   In  this  coririeçiiori,  a  meeting  of  the  executive
                                  oficers  and  members  of  the  exeu~ive councit  had  been  held  earlier  the
                                  sarne  afternoon,  for  the  purpose  of  preparing  a  suegested  date  of
                                  offieers  to  be  elmted  ai the general  meeting.
                                      Accordingly,  the  chairman  oi  the ~eneral meeting  ascertaineri  hr~t
                                   that:  it was  the  mind  of  the  meeting  to  vote  on  tlie  date  of  of6cers  as
                                   a  whole.  He  then  read  tlie  iiiiseted  slate  of new  o&ccrs,  und called
                                   for  a  motioii  that  the  elmtion  ul officers frilIow  the  names  as  read.
                                   This  motion  was  made by  Dr.  Jrihii  Farrell,  Loiidon,  and  seconded  by
                                   Rev.  Paul  Crunican, Loiidun;  it  was adapted  unaiiimously.
                                      The following  officers  were  elected  for tlie  year  1959:
                                       President  Ceneral: Charles J. Henry,  Q.C.
                                       P re~iden,t {Eitglish Secrion.):  Dr. 1. F. Leddy
                                       First  Vice-Presideni: Rev.  D. J. Mulvihill.  C.S.B.
                                       Second  P'ice- Presidenr:  L)r. J . II.  Coiiacher
                                       Secreiary:  Dr.  A. P.  Munaban

                                       Ezecutive  Corncil:
                                           Rev.  3IaIcolm  blaeDoncl1
                                           Hcv.  Si~ter Francis  d'Assiai,  S.C.H.
                                           Charles  Tingley
                                           Dermut  O'Callagher
                                           Dr, E. J.  Mullally
                                           Rev.  F.  J.  Nelligari,  SJ.
                                           Rev.  F. E.  Banim,  O.M.I.
                                           Miss  lehbel  Hutton
                                           Prof. D.  J. McDougall
                                           Rev.  Viiicent  Jensen, SJ.
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