Page 126 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 126

Tweniy-hith Annwl Meeting
                                   Canadian Catholic Historical Association

                                               Under  the  disiingaished  patrDnage  of
                                                        Hie  Exceliency
                                            the  Most  Revercrid  MAURICE  ROY,  D.D.
                                                     Archliishop  of  Qucbec
                                               and  Primate  of  the  Ruiiian  CethaIic
                                                       Church  iri  Canada
                                                  Saturdli!,  Siind~~ and  Monday
                                              Thc llth, 12th and 13th of  Qctaher  19%
                                                 Laval  University.  Quebec,  P.0.

                                                  SAWRDAY, OCTOBER llth
                                 8.30A.M.  Huly  Mtiss  in  ~hc outside  chape1 of  the  Quehec  Seminary.
                                           Oficiating:  His  Excellency,  the  Most  Reverend  Maurice
                                           Roy.  D.D.,  hrchbishop of  Quebec.
                                 9.00 A.M.  Registration  at the  Laval  University,  3 University  Str~.

                                10.00 A.hI.  Meeting  01 the  sections  at  Laval  University.

                                             Sorne Opinions  of Christian Europeans  Regarding  Negro
                                             Sluvery in the Setienteenth an& Eurly Eighreenth Ceduries.
                                             - John  K.  A.  Farrell,  M.A.,  Ph.L)., F.R.C.S.,  F.R.S.A.,
                                             College  of  Christ  the  King,  Londou.  Ont
                                             Chairman: Mr. Charles J. Henry, Q.C.,  President, English
                                             Section,  Torontu,  Out.
                                           FRENCH SECTION
                                             Nhrorninntion  et  SaCFe  de M" de Laval,  en  1658  - Right
                                             Reverend  Georges  Edouard  Demers,  CS.,  spiritual
                                             director  at  the  Junior  Seminary,  Quebec,  P.Q.
                                             Wr de  Luval  ei  lu  traite  de  I'erarcde-vie.  - hlr. André
                                             Vachon,  L.L.  ( Hjstury ) , Provincial  Archives,  Quebec,
                                             Chairman:  hlr.  Antoiue  Roy,  M.S.R.C.,  Provincial
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