Page 127 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 127
2.ûûP.M. Meeting of the Boards of Direetors of each ereetion.
2.30 P.M. hleeting of the seetirins at Laval Gniversjty.
Joseph Israël Tork: Rtlotions beitueen the French
Canadion Epticopacy and a French CondUln Polirician,
1874-1896. - MY. Laurier Lapierie, hi.A., Upper Canada
College, Toronto, Ont.
Tb ci/ a Mirsion. - Rev. Sr. Hita Mary, S.C.,
St. Pa~rick's Hieh Sehocil, HaIitax, N.S.
Choirinan: Mr. Arthur P. Monohan, Ph.D., Swretarq-,
English Seelion, Mount Saint Vineent College, Helifax,
M" de Laval et les coinrtsii.nau.i~s de /enimes. -- Rev. Go
Huclon, S.J., Superior of the Jesuit Fathers' Residence,
Rimouski, P.Q.
L'Edrscation mu teinlu de Mg" de Lovol. - MT. Louis
Philippe Audel, D.Paed., Seeretary of the Specialized
Training of the Province, Monireal, P.Q.
Chirnran: lleu. Lorenzo Cadieuw, S.J., President of the
Historieal Society of Northern Ontario, Sudbury, Ont.
8.00 P.M. Joint session oi thc two sections in the "Salle des Pronio.
Bertram CogMi Aian Windk, F.R.S., F.S.A., K.S.C.,
M.U., LL.D., PA.D., Sc.D. - The ~nost Reverend E. J.
McCorketl, C.S.B., President, Pon~ifieaI Inatitute of
Mediaeval Studies, Tnrnnin, Ont.
Le su.r~:ie de Mg' de Laval et sa cause de béatifictdon.. -
Rcv. Jean-Marie Fortier, Proieesor of History at the
Faculty oi Divinity, Quebec, P.Q.
Chairman: His Exeellency, lhe Most Reverend Maurice
Roy, D.D., Primate of the Roman Catttolic Church in
Members will be given time io attend the c1iising iif the
Tricentenai). at the Sandiisry.