Page 98 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 98

At dawn  on  June 30, members of  the Paiia  police  called  ai  various
                              local  Jesuit  establishrnen~a, broke  in,  and  bepan  ejecting  the  priesta,
                              most  of  wbom  were  old  and  infirm.  The  pretect  of  police,  Andrieux,
                              a  Fr=-thinker  hirnsell,  supcwised  the  operation,  and  IeIt  this  descrip-
                              tion  :
                                 Tùe  clearing  oi  ~he housm  lasted  a  long  time;  it  was  a  painful  rnatier
                                 lor  those  responeible  for  ita  accompliahment.  The  police  rnti  wi~h pu.sive
                                 re4amnœ,  and  had  io  iurn  detenceless  pBests  inio  the  sireer;  ihcir
                                 prayerfui attiinde, tbeir celrn, rerigntrd  enpreesion conirasted  painfully  wi~h
                                 ~he nee  of  pnhlie  iorce.tzb)
                                  That  same  moniing,  almost  at  the  sarne  hour  and  in  the  same
                              mmner,  thc  wholeeale  expulsion  of  the  Jesuiis  wa9  carried  out  across
                              France.  They were thus purged on sehedule and almost without  incident.
                              There were  nurnerous  touching  and  drarnatic  scenes.  For  exarnple :  in
                              Toulouse,  a former army  chaplain, ninety-year-old Fathcr  Guzy  wafi  the
                              first  Jesuit  expelled.  Bearing  on  his  ehest  the  cross  of  the  Legion  of
                              Honour,  he  was  helped  out,  while  the  gendarirres  who  knew  the  old
                              primt cried and  ~aluted.(*~i

                                  The  firmness  bordering  on  brutality  wilh  which  the  expulsion  was
                              carried out, and the widespread  reprobation  it  caused,  placed the govern-
                              ment  in  au  embarrassing  situation.  Within  vinually  a  week,  the  Prime
                              Minister  assumed  a  mollifying  attitude,  while  a  cenain  number  OC
                              prelates  began  to  show  conciliaiory  inclinations.
                                  By  viflue  of  his  position,  the  Archbishop  oi  Algiers,  Lavigerie,
                              hsd good conlaets within  governmental eircles,  at  the  same time enjoying
                              a  considerable  reputation  in  the  Vatican.  He wae  thue  weil  qualified  as
                              a  mediator.  In  June,  he  travelled  to  France:  detouring  through  Rome,
                              where  the  Pontiff,  seeing  litrle  chanee  for  the  Jesuits,  asked  him  to
                              endeavour  to  Bave  the  rernaining  or der^.(^^'  Froxn  the  moment  of  bis
                              arriva1 at Paris,  Archbishop Lavigerie undertouk  a  series of  confidential
                              conferences,  particularly  with  De  Freycinet.
                                  On June 20, the prelate was able to inform the papal  nunciu, Ctaeki,
                              that a iormula for solution of  the impasse could be reached.  The govem-
                              ment  could  overlook  the  lailure  of  the  Congregations  to  apply  for
                              authorization,  if  the  Superiors  would  sign  a  Dechration  disavowing
                              any  intention  of  politieal  hostility  or  opposition  to  the  existing  institu-
                              tions  of  the country.
                                  This  solution  was  iavoured  initially.  But,  af ter  consultatioiis  with
                              Cardinal Guiben and  having  witnessed  the  expulsion  of  the Jesuits,  the
                              Committee  of  Superiors  iiiianimonsly  rejected  it.  Arch bis hop  Lavigerie

                              (26)  L.  Andrieux,  Souvenirs  d'un  pr6Jer  de  police.  2  vola  (Paris, 18851,  i, 229.
                                   Lecannei,  11,  63.  Jesuit  of  Ioreign  na~ionaliiy under  the diplomaiic proieciion
                                   of  ~heir respective  countriw  were  exempted  [rom  expulsion,  at  loast  tempo-
                              cal)  Ibid.,  TI, 66.
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