Page 101 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 101

ramibcations and  repercussione  iar beyond the bounds of  ducation. The
                                  republiean  legislstion,  defiigned  to  solve  the  educational  question,  iell
                                  short of  ita  goal,  and  only  aggravated  the  struggle,  which  continued  for
                                  quile some lime.  beeause  lhe clash was,  in essence, between  two  dogrnatic
                                  and  diametrically  opposed  eoneepts  of  lile.[30)

                                      The  attitude  ot the  Britiah  lay  periodicals  exainined  for thin  etudy
                                  ahowed  a  certain  undertying similarity,  though  not  for the same reaaons,
                                  nor  from the  same motives.
                                      By  the  quality  of  their  writing,  the  quantity  of  their  readers:  aad
                                  the  duration  oi  their  puhlishing,  the  Tablet  and  the  Dublin  Revkw
                                  mus1  be  considered  as  the  most  renomed  Catholic  periodicsb  in
                                  Er~gland.'~~) Journalistic  lirst  cousins,  these  two  periodicals  wera  ari
                                  simiIar  in  attitude  as they  were  dissimilar  in  form.  The Dublin Rwikw
                                  publiahed  only  two  articles  bcaring  directly  on  the  situatioii  in  France,
                                  and  thcsc  artielcs  indicate  a  basic  agreement  with  the  Tablet.'")  The
                                  Table! therefore remains,  more or less, the sole Catholic source examined,
                                  and  it  may  be  assumed  that  the  opinions  of  one  coincide  with  those  oi
                                  the  othcr.
                                      At ~he outset,  ~he Tabkt accepted thc Repuhlican  viclory  in January
                                  1879 and counselled its CO-religioiiists in France to patience and modera-
                                  tion,  as ~he cause  of  the  monarchical  restoration  seemed  ~ntenable.'~~'
                                  But  aiter the Republicans showed  their  Întentions,  and Ferry  had intro-
                                  duced  his  Bills  in  the  Chambcr,  the  Tublei  changcd  its  altitude  and
                                  cspoused thc cause  of  the  French  catholi~s.('~i From  issue  to issue,  as
                                  the  plight  of  the  French  Catholics  became  worse,  the  writings  of  the
                                  Tabkt became more gloomp,  while  its sympathctic clamour  rom  accord-
                                  ingly.  Occasioiied  by  the expulsioii  ol the religious  orders,  that  clamour
                                  reached  its crescendo  in  the  Tablet's  compassion  for  the  Catholics  and
                                  resentmeiit  against  the  rep~blicans.'~~'

                                  (30)  In  1fl89, A.  Aulard  wrote  i.a. : "The  6gh~ agsins~ clericalism.. . has  as  iu
                                       object  derence  or  the  priaciple.  of  he Revolution . . . Ii  is  therefore  over
                                       edacaiion  that  these  Iwo  partiea  presently  are  fighting.  The  atruegle  is
                                       hetween  the  laic  universiiy  and  the  religions  congregationa."  See  Ben,
                                       Preface  vi.
                                  cal)  For a historical sketch and discusdion of  these IWO periodicals, see J. J. Dwyer,
                                       "The Catholic  Press",  in  C. A.  Beck,  ed.,  The  English  Catholics : 1850-1950,
                                       ( tondon,  1950).
                                  (38)  Sm  "Church and  School in  France",  Dublin Review, 3rd  ser.  1  (April,  1879)
                                       and "The  Suppression of  tlie  Congegations iii France",  ibid., IV (July, lm).
                                       Edjtorial, "French  Senatorial Elections",  Tablet,  LI11  (January  11, 1879).
                                  ('0)  Cf.  Editorials : "Tbe  Frencli  L~gislatur~ and  the  'Unrecognized'  Congrega-
                                       tions";  "The French  Educiiiion  Bills";  "The  French  Education  Bills"  and
                                       "The  French  Education  Bills  and  the  Teacbing  Congregational'.  Tablet,
                                       LIil  (March 29; April  5, 12 and  19,  1879, respectjvely).
                                  (41)  Cf. 4.9.  Editorial  "The  Execution  01  the  Decreea",  Tablet, LVI  (Ociober 23,
                                       1880).  In  November laBO  a  special  feature  was  introduced.  in  which  a
                                       detailed siory  wna given of  the  expulsion  in  ihe provinces.  See, "The  Erecu-
                                       tion  of  the  Decrees  in  ihe  French  Provinces':  (November  6.  1aBO);  und
                                       "The Persecution  in  France",  (Nov~mbsr 13, 20 and  27,  1880) aiter  which
                                       silence  f ell.
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