Page 102 - La Société canadienne d'histoire de l'Église catholique - Rapport 1961
P. 102

The  Talilel's  1 ine  uf rcascrning,  especially  aIter  March  1880, seerns
                              faiily  ~traightforivard : that  is  to  sa)-.  Repnbliçanisrn  and  Radicalism
                              wcre  the  ctiicf  rnemv  riI  itie  Clt~rcli:'~~' Gamhetta  revrcscnted  al1  the
                              prcitagcinists  of  that- villain?;  tliere  'was  a  deplorahlL  proces  ui  de-
                              Chrisiianization  in  Fraiiee,  caused  largely  hj  an  equally  deplorable
                              uuenrrre  [il Cornutism.  aitic:iarn.  and  anticlericalism.  which  Iristered  overt
                               1   Lm
                              attacks  on  religion  and  ~athAlicism. Bui  tliere  Las  a  rvarm  bon11 of
                              sympaihy for  the  religious  life of  the  French  lieople.""   Al1 these  were
                              variation  on  ~he main  tkiertiè  :  a  defence of  al1 inanifesiatiuns  ol  Catlio-
                              licism,  theolngical  and  secular,  aicnirtiirig  irorn  the  uiiquestionable spirit
                              of  I!ltramuutauism,  wi~h whicli  al1  the  Tolilet's  wriiings  were  irispired.
                                  dur in^  the  period  undei  crinsideration,  tlie  Table1  iiever  had  a
                              harslt  word  for  tlic  Catliolies  of  France.  lav  or  clergv.  Ir  appcars  that
                              ikie  TaLIet  failed  to  recognizi:  the  FrenrIi  Catholics'  share  of  the  guilt.
                              The 1s-ritings cf  this  periodical  were constantly  piti.!ied  in  the  3ame  key,
                              uritil  ita  rtioricitririous  [mie  acquired  the  quaIity  of  a  clichf.  AII(iwing  die
                              Tali!et  the  right  to  a  padienn  attiiiide  on  the  political  reality  of  Frauce,
                              objectively  speakinn.  it  isas  pu] ely  ilefen~iir.  1t.i   H ritiiigs  laeked
                              origirialitj and hrcatki  and  iti editorials senirueci to  lollo~, never  ~u lead.
                              The  stereutyped  attitude  in  thece  partirhular  i+rititigs tiever  represenied
                              a  thesis.  hut  irivariablv  an  antithe~js :  thev  errire~srti a  reaetiori  to  ihe
                                                                  .  -,
                              events,  and  ncvcr  c:oniriliuted  to  the  action  itself.
                                  In  lhis  manncr,  ~a!i'ngitig ficiin  otlizi.  publications,  the  Tablet  was
                              prone  to  borrow  the  sniallzst  utttLranc.z friirn  diber=  sources,  ii  the7
                              corifornicd  to  iis o~vii opinioii.  It pave promiiiznce  in  its editcirials to an)-
                              hripefi~i ~igu frcim  olliers  riot  curisiderzd  pro-~lerical."~' Jiiles  Sirtion
                              was  tieated  sympatheiically when  he  atlar-klbcl Article  Sev~u.[~" At  tlie
                              sarnc  ti trie  seeirig  Tlie  Ti~nes and  other  Engliaki  pu tilicatiriris  sidc  rnore
                              wiih  the  Frcnch  grirernrnent,  the  Tahlcl  deploi ed  t hzse  oceurences  time
                              and  tirne  an ai^^.'^^)
                                  Iti  the  goverumeiit'a  drive  to  suppiess  the  religioua  ordera,  the
                              Jesuits  primarily,  gaincd  a  great  rkiampiun  iii  the  Teblei.  Ji  wrotc  that
                              uo  eivil  or  political  offeucc  was  alle~etl agairiet  tlte  Jesuits  arid  other
                              orders : their  unly  erirnes  were  iheir  religion,  thcir  devotirin.  and  the

                              [d:'   C!.   i.o.  Editoriala  '-The Ferry  Ediira tion  llill" ; "Frrnch  Radicnlism  and  [lie
                                   Cntholic Cliurch". "Thc  Frrnt-h Dpcrers  ri[  ihr 30rh  of  hlarcli".  7'atd~t. Lkr
                                   (Fcliriiary 28,  3larch 20,  .4pril  3,  1880, respeciively 1.
                              1    Cj.  i.a. Ediiurinla, "A  Purthcoiiiing Frcnch  Conprrss" ; '-Tli~ Frrnch  Clnnnril~.
                                   Geiicrd  and  Liberly  or  Eduraiion",  Tolilei, LlV  O\ugn,i  23  ririd  Srpieiriher
                                   6, 1H79, rrspectively);  aiid  "Tlie  Ferry  Educaiion  niIl", ibid.,  LV  (l'rhriiary
                                   2%.  iasoj.
                              (44 )  Ediiorisl  ".4n  Englisli  Free-tliiiiker  Upon  ihe  Frenrli  F.dui.stionnl   Crisis".
                                   Toliler,  LIII  (Muy 10.  1879)  citing  an  arriclr  \,y   Jrih  \iurlr~- in   trceiii
                                   ihsue  tif  Fo~lni;h~Iy Revieiu.
                              (451   Tutlet, LI11  lJune  7. 18791,,p. 706.
                              (4ü)  Edi~orialo "Tlip  I.aicsi  Suhsriiuie for  Lliri~tinniry", TuLlrt,  [.IV  iSc.piriiiher
                                   6.  1879)  and  "Fnoli.*li Ynlilic  Opinion  and  Articlc Scvrn".  iLid.. 1.V  ( hiarch
                                   13,  1R80).
                                      For  ~ynipathy rv~kpd in  Englaud,  sec  Ediiorial  "English  Opinion  an
                                   ihr  Frmrh  Ediiration  Que~lion". ihid.,  LI11  (May 24,  1879).
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