Page 205 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 205
List of Members
Ackermann, The Rev. Charles, O.M.I., Allan, Sask.
Ahearn, The Rev. Roland, 55 N. State St., Chilton, Wis., U.S.A.
Alhambra, Order of The, e/o J. Frank Crough, 168 Harvje Ave., Toronto
10, Ont.
AIIen, Rev. E. B., C.S.B., Basitian Fathers, 4620 West Second Avenue,
Vancouver 8, B.C.
Almanzor Caravan, Order of the Alhambra, c/o Mr. Fred Murphy, 4
Riverdale Ave., Toronto, Ont.
Arnbrose, The Rev. Patriek J., 1501 St. Mark St., Montreal, P.Q.
American AnLiquarian Society, SaIisbury St., Worcester, Mass., U.S.A.
Arnold, Rev. Jeronie, C.R., M.A., St, Jeronie's College, Kingsdale, Kit-
ehener, Ont.
Assumption College Library, Windsor, Ont.
Andette, L. C., 226 McLaren SI., Ottawa, Ont.
Augustinian Fathers, The Rev., 3103 Arlington Ave., New York 63, N.Y.,
Aurelius, The Rev. Sister, Mount St. Bernard, Antigonish, N.S.
Backowski, the Rev. Z.A., V.F., Box 179, Dauphin, Man.
Ballantyne, hl. G., 470 St. Alexis St., Montreal, P.Q.
Banirn, The Rev. Farrell E., O.M.I., S.T.L., Ph.D., St. Patrick's College,
Ottawa, Ont.
Bannon, The Rev. R. V., M.A., St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish,
Battle, The Rev. Thonias F., Christian Brothers' Coliege, 1970 Victoria
Park Avenue, Searborough, Ont.
ilednarz, Rev. John, Melville, Sask.
Bennett, W. J., 216 Clernow Ave., Ottawa, Ont.
Bernard, The Rev. Sister, St. Joseph's College, Toronto, Ont.
Berry, The Most Rev. Gerald, D.D., S.T.L., M.S., Archbishop of Halifa~
209 Coburg Road, Halifax, N.S.
Berry, James, 4031 Melrose Avenue, Montreal, P.Q.
Bickford, Mrs. J. H., Box 6791, BenIah, Man.
Biddiscornbe, Charles P., 222 North St., Moneton, N.B.
Bjrchard, Arthur J., 49 Penetang St., Orillia, Ont.
Boland, Rev. Frank, C.S.B., Ph.D., Assumption College, Windsor, Ont.
Bolarid, Miss Florenee, 120 Lyndhurst Ave., Toronto 10, Ont.
Bonaventure, The Rev. Brother, F.S.C., De la Salle Academy, 131 Farn.
ham Ave., Toronto, Ont.