Page 206 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 206

Bowers, The  Rev.  Swithun,  O.M.I., St.  Patrick's  CoUege,  Ottawa,  Ont.
                                  Bowlen,  Hia  Honour  Lieut.  Governnr  John  J.,  13W Ravine  Drive,
                                      Edmonton, Alta.
                                  Boyd, The  Rev.  C.  T.,  D.D..  621 Brunswick  St., Fredericton,  N.B.
                                  Brac~land. Rev. L.,  S.].,  Jesuit Kovitiate, Guelph,  Ont
                                  Boyle, E. P.? Neepawa, Man.
                                  Boyle, George.  >I.A.. Box  141. Antigoni'ti,  N.S.
                                  BuvIe,  James P.,  31 St. James St. W.,  Monlreal, P.Q.
                                  Boyle, John  Patrick, 5360 W.  Broadway,  Montreal, P.Q.
                                  Bradley, Miss Elizabeth,  139 Desranleau St., Sherbrooke, P.Q.
                                  Bradley,  The Rev.  F.  H.,  Ph.D.,  Univerijity 01 O~tawa, Ottawa,  Ont.
                                  Bradley, The Rev. J. L..  740 View  St., Vietoria,  B.C.
                                  Breen,  Rev.  Russell.  3434  Peel Street,  Montreal,  P.Q.
                                  Breen, The Rt. Rev. W.P., D.P.,  Ceueral Hospital, Pembroke,  Ont.
                                  Breecia  Hall  (The Rev.  Mother Superior), London, Ont.
                                  Broderick,  George N.,  5765 Cote St. Antoine  Road,  Monireal, P.Q.
                                  Brodeur, The Most Rev. Rosario, D.D.? Bishup of Alexandria, Alexandria,
                                  Brothers of  the Christian  SchooIs, De la Salle "Daklands",  131 Farnham
                                      Ave..  Toronto, Ont.
                                  Brothers oi the Christian  Schools, St. Johu's  Training Sehool,  127 Victo-
                                      ria Park ,4ve., Toronto, Ont.
                                  Brown, E. D., 65 Si. James Ave.,  Toronto, Ont.
                                  Brudcr, H.  J.,  67 Hiberuia St., Stratlord, Ont.
                                  Buck,  Miss  Muriel,  Quebec  Provincial  President,  Csthulic  Women's
                                      League, 223 Laurier St., SI. lohn's,  P.Q.
                                  Buekley,  William  F.,  82 14 Station  SI..  BelleviIle, Ont.
                                  Burke, T. J.,  41 BougriinvilIe Ave.,  Quebec, P.Q.
                                  Burke.Caffney, The Rev. hl. W.,  S.J.,  St. Mary's  University,  Halifax, N.S.
                                  Burke-Caffney, P..  779 Jcsaie Ave..  Winnipeg, Man.
                                  Burns,  Rev.  John J.,  Esterhazy:  Saok.
                                  Burns, P. J., P.O. Drawer 967, Kirkland  Lake,  Ont.
                                  Burns, The RI. Rev. William John, V.G.,  Si. Theresa's  Church, 351 North
                                      St.,  Halifax, N.S.
                                  Burtniak,  Michael,  M.A.,  Department  of  Citizenship,  1200  Bay  Street,
                                      Toronto, Ont.
                                  Byrne, The Rt. Rev. Leo J.,  D.P.,  D.D.,  J.C.D.,  Ph.D.,  St. Johu's  Church,
                                      Kingston, Ont.
                                  Byrncs, Mrs. hl.  P.,  Box 1050, Collingwood,  Ont.
                                   By run, Robert A.,  75 Humber Trail, Toronto, Ont.
                                   Cahill, Thc Rt. Kev.  J. E.,  D.P.,  353 St.  Mary'e  Ave.,  Winnipeg,  Man.
                                   Cahoon, J.  E., 4700 Westmount Avenue, Wmtmount, Quebec.
                                   California  University  of, ïhe Library, Berkeley 4, Cal.,  U.S.A.
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