Page 200 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 200

t  h  rhe great missionary , Father  (later Bishop), Frederick Baraga, eame
                                 there to open  a misaion once more, and  from there once again would  he,
                                 and  another  Slovenian prjest,  Father  Pierz,  crosa  the great Lake  to  sow
                                 the  Goapel d the territory  of  Fort  WilJiarn  Diom.
                                     It  ia  beeide  our  purpoee  to  iollow  the subaequent career  of  Fatber
                                 Allouez.  For  twenty  more years h ieaboured  among the Potawatomiea,
                                 Miarnis,  and  Illinois  tribes  souih  and  wcst  of  Lake  Michigan.  During
                                 the  night  of  August  27-28, 1a9, nent  what  je  now  the  city  of  Niles,
                                 Michigan,  he  passed  to  hi9  well-merited  reward.  Like Brebeuf  he had
                                 written  a  description  of  what  kind  OC  man  the  Indian  missionary  of
                                 thow days must be.  It was iound  among his papers after  hi^ death, and
                                 thus, quite uncon~ciously, he portrays for un a sketch of his own iife  and
                                        "The  Jeauils  who  corne  irom  old  France  to  New  Frsnce  muat  be
                                     reUed  by  a  specinl  and particularly sirong vocation.  They  must  be  men
                                     dead  lo the apirit  of  ihr  world  sud  tu trhrmsrlvee. apoatalir  men.  aainily
                                     men.  who  seek uothjng  but  Lmi and  the  saivation of  souls.  They  mwt
                                     be  lovera  of the  cross  and  of  self-abnegatjon;  they  must  prefer  ihe  cou.
                                     veraian ai  an Tndian  ta  conquering  an  empire.  They have  io ]ive  in  ibe
                                     Canadian  foresin  au  pwursora  of  Christ,  and  be  in  a  small  way  other
                                     John  the  Baptiçts crying out  in the wildernesa  to  the  Indiuns thet  heppi-
                                     MbU cunies  tlimugh  Christ  alonc.  They  muat  saek  their  oniy  sup  ai?,
                                     ind receive th~ir only  cornfort, snd hnd ihejr onlg lrtssure in God  &ne,
                                     for  LO Him  aloaa  it  belonga  to  cal1 ibem  to  Caaada.. .
                                        "To  convpri  ihe Indian ihere  ip  no  nemd  of  miracles.  bot  there  in
                                     gmat  need  of  doing  thm much  good,  of suRering  much,  01  nncr  cuiii-
                                     plainjng  exc~l to  God  alonn,  end  of  mgetding oneseli  es a  very uselem
                                     sud unpmfriabl  eervant  aller  di . . ." !37)

                                  (3ll  Mqy, Diconverkm  ei  Eiabüswmenis,  eic.  (Parir,  187&1386),  vol.  1,  pp.
                                      il. 72.
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