Page 199 - Transcriptions d'actes notariés - Tome 20 - 1682-1686
P. 199
Father Allouez gives us rio aeeount of his return trip to Chequa-
megan Bay. He may not have returried tliere at ihat time, but eould
have followed ttie riorth shore of Lake Snperiur to Sedt Ste. Marie. We
do know that he aceompanied the usual surniiier party of Ottawas on
iheir way to the St. Lawrence, and arrived at Qriebec on August th
third, 1667.[:;li He rerriained there only iwo days. He had brought with
him some aamples of the Lake Supei ior copper ore. and Talon, the lntend-
ant, became greatly interested. He despatehed Jean Pérk and Adrien
Jolliet up to explore and report on the copper depusits in the Lake
Superior area.tA2i
But Allouez had gone to Qucbec in sparch of fellow-Iabourcrii for
the erea t Northwe-stern harvests. Fathar Louis Nicolas and Brother Louis
La Boèame wcre giveri him, and four men were iiired for the conatrnction
and agrieulturol ir~ork Allouez pianned to do at La Pointe de Sajiit-
Esprit. The Endians refused, Iiowever, to take so many back rvith theni.
and Allouez had 10 be content to take Father Nicolas and one workman
along with him.["But Nicolas did not pruve to bc a very uaeful hclper,
and carly in the spring of 1668 he returned to Quebe~.'~''
Meanwhile Father Ailouez eont inued his labours at Chequamegon
Bey, without, however, achieving rnuch succesq. During the summer oi
1666 he had de~ermined tu abandori the Ottawas eltogether, They had
long listened to his insir uctions w itliout making ~he slightest move to
givc up their heathen praetiees and embrace Christianity. Rut when it
was Iea rned that the Black Robe intended leaving, a Council was called,
und one Ottawa tribe, the Kiskaknns, promised to join the Church. So
Allouez decided to reriiaiii anothcr wiriter to instruct theiii.[s" Many of
the Kiekakons liad been baptized when Father James Marquette eame
Ironi the Sault to replaee ..iIlouez during Septemher. 1669. The future
diwoverer of the Mississippi stayed at Chequamegon Bay till 1671.(3s)
That ),car the Sioux declared iuar on al1 the Lake Superior tribes. To
escape thesc "lroquois of the West" the Hurons and the Christiari Kis-
kakons migrated with Marqueite to Miehillimackinac where the mission
of St. lgriace was eeia blished. 'rhe other Ottawa tribes reiurncd to tiieir
former homes on the Georgian Bay Islands. Chequamegon Bay was thus
abandnried, arid not far for a hnadred and sixtu-four years would the
sound of the sanetuary bel1 be lieard civer its waters. It was in 1835
(31) JR, yu1 LI, p. 75.
(32) Dcspile what ha6 long bccn clniined in niany books ir appear* !liai ir was not
Louis Jolliet, ~lie Missi~sippi explorer, but bis rlder brother Adrien, who
*col up IO Lake Supcriar wiih Péré in 11567. Failier Jean Delsnplez, S.J.
haî drfinitely provrd rhis, wo ilijiik, in Lis bmk. "I.ifr: nnd Voyages 01
1,ouis Jolliet, IGl=i-lT00" ( Chicugo, 1948 ). Sre alro "buis Jolliet, Eyly
k'eara, 164.5-lGiJ", tiy Delaiig!re i~i Mid-Anicrica, XXVII, pp. 3-25.
(33' JR, vol. Li, p. 73.
(34 1 Marie de L'Incarnaiiori, Letires (6d. Ricliaud~au, Tournai, 1876), 101. II,
pp. 373, 374. hicola9 speni livr )cars on thc Iroquois mission6 Iller, Lui he
w15 not of ihc bemic mold of those who cuiild ciirlurc io the enfi. He
rerwrid tu France and there let3 ihc Jr~uit Ordrr.
fa7' JR, roi LIT, p. 205.
136) JR, cal. LV, pp. 100 and 1011.
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