Page 171 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
P. 171

                                 Marriage Registry
                                 St.  Andrews  Cathedra1
                                                                a  few  years  and  by  so  doing  one
                                 Presbyterian  Church
                                                                lessens the cost and lighkns the task.
                                 Cathedra1  of  the  Good
                                                                  If  it  is  impossible  to  gel  to
                                              Shepherd  1899
                                                                Somerset  House  one  can  apply  for
                                 Church  of  St. Joseph
                                                                certificates  by  post  though  the  cos1
                                    (Portuguese  Mission)  1899
                                                                is  naturally  slightly higher  and  it  is
                                 Methodist  Church
                                                                necessary to give rather fuiler infor-
                                                                mation than one needs when under-
                               Solicitors - Can frequently be traced  taking  ones  own  search.  In  a  case
                               through  Lhe  Law  Lists from  which,  of  this sort the Officials of  Sornerset
                               by  patient  research,  one  can  gener-  House  will  undertake  a  search
                               ally  establish  a  date  of  death.
                                                                covering  a  period  of  five  years.
                               Somerset Home - A  large  building  Soathem Ithodesia - Official  regis-
                               overlooking  the  Strand  in  London  tration only began in  1904, but there
                               which  was  built  on  the  site  of  a  are some records of  deaths and mar-
                               palace  originally  desigaed  for  the  riages from  1891.  Records  are with
                               Duke  of  Somerset  during  the  reign  the  Registrar  of  Births  and  Deaths,
                               of  Edward  VI  but  as  he  ended  on  Salisbury. Records of Marriages are
                               the  scaff old  the  proposed  palace  held  by  the  Secretary,  Deparlment
                               was  never  built.  Somerset House is  of  Home  AfEairs,  Salisbury.
                               the  home  of  a  vast  collection  of
                                                                Snrnames,  Adoption  of  - English
                               records  the  most  important  of
                                                                surnames  date  back  in  many  cases
                               which,  so  far  as  the  Genealogist  is
                                                                to  the  13th  and  14th  centuries.
                               concerned.  is  the  record  of  births,
                                                                Welsh surnames are of  considerably
                               niarriages  and  deaths  which  was
                                                                later  origin  but  the  WeIsh  were  in
                               siarted  on  the  1st  July  1837  and
                                                                the habit of  giving a string of  names
                               covers  details  for  England  and
                                                                with  the word ap, rneaning 'son  of'
                                                                in  berneen;  thus we  can find  David
                                 For  procedure  with  regard  to
                                                                ap  Rhys  ap  Guillim  ap  Morgan,
                               obtaining  information  from  Somer-
                                                                meaning that David  was  the  son of
                               set  House  see  Somerset  House,
                                                                 Rhys  who  was the  son  of  GuiIlini
                               Method  of  Obtaining Information.
                                                                who in  turn was the son of  Mormn
                                                                and  this system was  used  in lieu  of
                                                     of 0btairr
                               ing  information - By  far  the  best
                               method  of  obtaining  information  h  area  of  ones  search  to  a  period  of
                                                                Surnames, Irish - Many Irish namcs
                               from &merset  House is  to mke a   date  from  before  the  conquest  of
                               personal application. A search ticket   England.  In the  reign  of Henry  II
                               cari  be  obtained  which  enables  one   an army was sent to conquer Ireland
                               to  search  unrestricted  for  a  whole   for the  English  King.  Many  of  the
                                da^.  This,  howevery  is  net  a  satis-   Irish  Barons who led  this enterprise
                                factor^  method  as  research  of  thls   remained  in Ireland  and established
                               nature  is  a  very  tiring  business;  themselves,
                               particuiarly  when  one  realises  that   Many   the  ~]d original  rrish
                               each  volume  measUres  about  two  names  were  anglicised  at  the  same
                               feet  by  eighteen  inches  and  weighs  rinie.
                               somewhere  in the neighbourhood  of
                               ten  or  eleven  pounds.  By  careful  Surnames,  Scoîîîsh  - In  Scotland
                               thought  one  can  generally  limit  the  the  system  of  naming  was different.
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