Page 172 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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Life  was  hard  and  men  could  only  Trinidad and  Tobago - Civil  regis-
                              live  and  bring  up  their  families  in  tration dales from 1848. The records
                              safety  by  being  banded  together.  are  held  by  the  Registrar  Gencral,
                              These groups came to be known  as  Red  House,  Port  of  Spain,  Trini-
                              ' clans ' and they took the clan name  dad,  B.W.1.
                              as  their  surname.
                                                               Turks and Caicos Islands - Records
                                                               which  date  £rom  1863  are  held  by
                                                               the Registrar  General, Grand Turk.
                              Tanzania  - Applications  musl:  be
                              made  to  the  Registrar  General  of
                              Births  and  Deaths,  Dar-es-Salaam.
                              The  records  were  only  commenced  Uganda  - The  Records  of  births,
                              on  1st  April  1921,  but  there  are  marriages,  deaths  and  adoptions
                              sorne  records  available  from  28th  date from  1st January  1905. though
                                                               there  are  details  of  marriages  for
                              August  19 17.
                                With  regard  to  the  records  of  nine  months earlier. These are kept
                              Zanzibar,  information  may  be  by  tbe  Registrar  General.  In  addi-
                              obtained  from  the  Custodian  of
                                                               tion  the  Vice-Consulate at Entebbe
                              Registers  of  Births  and  Deaths  holds  a  register  of  births  which
                              (Administrator  General).  The  fol-  precedes  civil  registratioi~.
                              lowing  records  are available:
                                                               United Empire Loyalists - Records
                              Births: Zanzibar from  1st July 1909,  of  members  are  preserved  jn  the
                                Pemba  £rom  1st January  1925.
                                                               Public Archives of  Canada, Ottawa.
                              Deaths:  Zanzibar  £rom  1st  March
                                1906,  Pemba  £rom  16th  March  University  Entrance  - Records  of
                                                               al1  entrants  to  Oxford  and  Cam-
                              Marriages:  from 26th  August  1907.  bridge  may  be  found  in  Alumni
                                                               Oxonienses  and  Alumni  Cantabri-
                                In addition there are sorne records  gienses which are available at many
                              available  prior  to civil  registration.  of  the  larger  libraries.
                                                                 Other universities issue Calendars
                              Births:  British  Consulate  Books,  which  have  the  names  of  graduates
                                Zanzibar  from  19th July  1868 to  for  each  year.  Some  of  these  are
                                13th June 1913. Pemba from 26th  collecteci  together  into  volumes  as
                                July  1900  to  16th  November  for  example  at  London  University
                                1923.                          and  Trinity  College,  Dublin.
                              Deaths:  British  Consulate  Books   One must,  however,  remember
                                20th  May  1868  to  23rd  January  there  were  only  two  universities  in
                                1914.                          England  until  1900, when  London
                                                               University  was  founded.
                              Tonga  -  Records  of  births  and
                              deaths  commence  from  1867  and  United  States  of  America  - The
                              for  marriages  from 1892. Applica-  following  information  is  extracted
                              tions  to  the  Registrar  of  the  from  U.S.  Public  Health  Service
                             Supreme Court,  Nukii  alofa.     December  1961).
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