Page 166 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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there  is  considerable  delay  before
                              work  can be  commenced.
                                Where  an  amateur  researcher
                                                   from,  Say.
                              another part of  the country or over-
                              seas he can then apply to the Society
                                   Genealogists  (address  given
                              above)  for  the  name  of  a  local  Reasons  for  Undertaking  Research
                              researcher  who  will  probably  be  - Tliere are five reasons  for wishing
                              prepared  to  try  and  provide  the  to  undertake  this  type  of research.
                                                                  1.  Personal,  a  simple  interest  in
                              answer  to  his  query.  Negotiation
                              between  the  applicant  and  the  the family pedigree.
                              researcher  is  left  to  the  applicant.
                                                                  2.  Personal.  to  provide  a  link
                              Fees  for  such  researches  Vary  con-  with  an  armigerous  anestor  with
                               siderably  and  one  is  strongly  the object of  establishing  one's  own
                               advised  to  ask  the  fee  before  com-  right to use the appropriate armorial
                               mitting  oneself  to  a  particular  bearings.
                                                                  3.  Personal and general, a matter
                                                                of  interest  in  making  a  collection
                               Protestation  Oath  Rous  - These  of  a  number  of  family pedigrees.
                              rolls  dated  1641-42  are kept  in  the
                                                                  4.  Professional  or  semi-profes-
                              record  office of  the House of  Lords.  sional,  carrying  out  research  for
                              They  contain lists of  people holding  other  people  either  on  a  purely
                               office  at  the  the  who  affirmed  professional basis or to occupy one's
                               their loyalty  to the crown. A similar  time,  the  other  party  purely  paying
                               roll  named  the  Association  Oath  the  expenses  of  the  research.
                               Roll was signed in  1696 and  is  he1d
                                                                  5. A  combination of  two or more
                               at the Public Record Omce.
                                                                of  the  above.
                              Public Record  Office - See Census
                                                                  Now let us consider these in some
                               Returns  1841  etc.,  Non-Parochial.  detail. Most people have an interest
                               Registers and Records, and Records  in  their  own  family,  though  this
                               of  Services  of  Members  of  the  interest  varies  very  considerably  in
                               Armed  Forces.
                                                                different  countries.  Possibly  the
                                                                Scots  are  the  most  interested  and
                                                                rhere  is  an  old  Scottish  saying
                                                                ' Heredity  is  a  hereditary  study '.
                                                                Because  of  the  clan  system.  Scot-
                                                                tish  history  goes  back  a  long  time
                                                                before  civic  records  were  main-
                                                                tained.  The family  links  are excep-
                               ' Q ' List  or  Record  Publication  -  tionally  strong and  it is tme to say
                               A  guide  to the publications put  out  chat  where  a  family  history  is  in
                               by  the  Record  Commissioners  and  existence in  connection with  a Scot-
                               the  Masters  of  the  Rolls.  This  can  tish  family  it is more often than  not
                               be  obtained  free  of  charge  from  accurate.
                               H.M. Stationery Office.            With regard  to the Welsh and  the
                                                                Irish,  their  early  history  may  or
                                                                rnay  not  be  correct.  The  more
                                                                prominent  families  invariably  go
                                                                back  to  the  Welsh  Princes  or  the
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