Page 163 - Canadian Dominion Directory 1871 - Partie 1-fusionné
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International  Money  Order payable  and  Records  authenticated  by  the
                               to  the miblic Record  Office. Up  10  Commissioners,  together  wilh  cer-
                               three  applications may be  made on  tain  unauthenticated  Registers  of
                               any one forn~; furtber forms wiil  be  baptisms  and  rnarriages  performed
                               sent  on  request.  There  may  be  a  at  the  Reet  and  King's  Bench
                               delay of  some weeks before searches  Prisons,  at  May  Fair  and  at  the
                               can  be  undertaken  and  the  results  Mint in Southwark, which had  been
                                                                deposited in  the Bishop of  London's
                               notified  to  the enquirer.
                                 The  Parish  Registers  often  con-  Registry
                                                                              1821,  should
                               tain  entries  relating  not  only  to  deposited  in  the  General  Register
                               rnen~bers of  the Church  of  England  Office.
                                                                  A new Commission was appointed
                               but  also  to  Dissenters,  since  the
                               Registration  Act  of  1695  required  in  1857  to  consider  a  number  of
                               notice  of  al1  births  to  be  given  to  Non-Parochial  Registers  which  had
                               the  Rector, Vicar.  Curate  or Clerk  corne  to  light  since  1838.  It  made
                               of  the  parish,  while  Lord  Hard-  its  report  later  in  the  same  year
                               wicke's  Marriage  Act  of  1753  vir-  (House  of  Commons,  Sessional
                               tually  restricted  marriages  to  Parish  Papers.  1857-58,  vol.  23),  and  this
                               Churches.  although  it did  not apply  was  followed  by  the  Births  and
                               to  Quakers  or  Jews  and  was  often  Deaths  Registration  Act  of  1858,
                               ignored by Roman Catholics.  Many  which  provided  for  the  authentica-
                               Dissenting Churches, however main-  tion  of  these  Registers  and  their
                               tained  their own  Registers  of  births  deposit  in  the  General  Register
                               or baptisms  (particularly  after  1785.  Office.
                               when the extension of  stamp duty to
                                                                  The Non-Parochial  Registers  and
                                                Non-Conformist  Records  deposited  under  the  Acts
                               Registers  appeared  to  give  official  of  1840 and  1858,  together  with  a
                               sanction  to  them),  whiIe  a Registry  few
                               of  births for Presbyterians.  Indepen-  deposited
                               dents  and  Baptists  living  in  and  General Register  Office, were trans-
                               around  London  was  established  at  ferred in  1961 to the Public Record
                               Dr.  Williams'  Library  in Red  Cross  Office,  where  they  have  been
                               Street  in  1742  and  the  Wesleyan  arranged  in  fivc classes, comprising
                               Methodists  established  their  own  some 7,000 volumes and  files. They
                               Metropolitan  Registry  in  Paternos-  are open  to  inspection  without  pay-
                               ter  Row  in  1818. Those  Dissenting  ment of  a fee in  the Search Rooms.
                               Churches  which  had  their  own  There  is  no  general  index  to  these
                               cemetries  also  maintained  Registers  classes and  for a  search to be prac-
                               of  burials,  whjle  the  Quakers  and  ticable  it  is  necessary  to  know  at
                               (until  1753) a few  other Dissenting  least  the  approxi.mate  locality  in
                               Churches  maintained  Registers  of  which  a  bùth,  marriage  or  death
                               marriages.                       occurred  and  preferably  also  the
                                 In  1836  Commissioners  were  denomination  of  the  church  or
                               appointed  to  inquire  into  the  state,  chape1 at  which  it  would  be  likely
                               custody  and  authenticity  of  these  to  be  registered.  Extended  and
                               Non-Parochial  Registers  and  their  speculative  searches  in  these  Regis-
                               Report  of  1838  (House  of  Com-  ters  cannot  be  undertaken  by  the
                               rnons,  Sessional  Papers,  1837-38.   stan of  the Public Record  Office.
                               vol.  28)  was  followed  by  the  Non-   With  one exception  (the  Register
                               Parochial  Registers  Act  of  1840.  of  the  Independent  Church  ar  St.
                               This  provided  that  those  Registers  Petersburg,  Russia,  181 8-1840)  the
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