Page 110 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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P629--Florence  C.  UOLFE,  1893-1971.
                            P630--Lt.Col.  Uilliam Henry  JONES,  1887-
                            631--Capt.  Charles  Uilliam JONES.  1911
                            m.                                 In loving menary  of Clifford  R.  ALEXANDER
                                                               1904..   Hi5  wife,  Ellen  Jane  SHAVER,
                                                               1901-1965,   Ponald  C.  ALEXANDER.  1928-
                            P632-SOHERVILLE--T.   John  SOHERVILLE,
                            m   9   n   i  wife,  Sadie  BEATTIE.   1937.
                            1880-1956.   John  Hervin  1BudI.  1914-1935
                                               .~ ~,.
                            ~reater lovehath no  man  than  this.   hit   P644-BRADLEY--Katherine   SIMS,  1917-1941.
                            a  man  lay  down  his  life  for  his  friends.   Wife  of  Lawrence  BR.40LEY.  1911-1972.
                                                               James,  3  weeks,  1941.   (R.  St.Hartin  8
                                                               Son.  Hull,  pue.)
                            P633-SUTCLIFFE--In  memory  of  James
                            SUTCLIFFE.  1876-1960.   His  beloved  wife,   P645-BRAOLEY--(lying  flat)  Llyad  (sic)
                            Emily  Hannah  RUTLEDGE,  1889-1936.   Carl.  1929-1976.
                            Hav  the  soul$  of the  deoarted  thrauoh
                            th;  mercy  of  Gad,  Rest  in peace   P646--(lying  flat at  foot  of  Pb45)  In
                                                               m z y  of  John  H.  BRADLEY.  1897-1952.
                            P634--(lying  flat at  foot  of  Pb33)  In
                            -                                  Beloved  husband  of Julia  AUBREY.
                            memory  of  Emily  Hannah  PIITLEDGE,  1889-
                            1936.   Beloved  wife  of Jams  SUTCLIFFE.   P647-BRADLEY--(lying  flsi)  In loving
                                                               nemory  of  William  H.  BRADLEY,  1890-1960.
                            P635-HURRAY--In  loving menary  of Sarah
                            Edna  WWITEHORNF,  rife of John  MURRAY,   P64B-ERADL~--Uilliam  H.  BRAOLEY,  1890-
                            1868-1940.   John  HURRAY.  1866-1945.   1960.   Husband  of Ida  K.  NEAL.  1914-1976.
                            P636-ROBERTSON--John  ROBERTSON,  1895-   P649-BRAOLEY--Donald  E.  BRAOLEY.  1953-
                            1956.  His wife,  Margaret  SHAU.  1898-19   1965.
                            P637-MEFRS--In  loving memary  of  Alfred   P650-KENNERLEY--In  loving menary  of
                            HEERS,-5-1974.                     Beatrice  KENNERLEY.  1896-1966.   Beloved
                                                               wife  of  Herbert  KENNERLEY,  1899-1978.
                            P638-MOUAT--Sarah  Frances  HclEE,  185E-
                            1936.   Alexander  Ross  HOUAT,  1861-1942.   P651--Sergeant  Harry M0001E,  lit Pnr
                            Adelaide  HOWAT.                   W n .  C.E.F.   18th Sept.,  1945.
                                                               Rest  in  peace.
                            P63P-PEER--Sarah   (Sadie)  ALLEN,  wife  of
                                    G.  PEER,  born  Apr.  25,  1885-   P652-FROOHL--Bertha.   1909-1973.   Elmer.
                            died  Dec.  5,  1963.  At  rest.   1904-1 975.
                            P640-SUTCLIFFE--(lying  flat)  Cecil  R.   --
                                                               P653-ALLEN--10  loving memory  of Frederick
                            SUTCLlFFt.  1912-1976.   Hu5band  of Marion   ALLEN,  Feb.  7,  1879,  Sept.  7,  1941.   His
                            H.  HcALLISTER.                    wife,  Ada  GODSELL,  Aug.  10,  1685,  Dec.  19,
                                                               1949.  Garnet.  1910-1947.
                            P641-LUTES--Grace  Elizabeth  ALLEN,  be-
                                                               P654-REID--Wallace  John,  1904-1966.
                            loved wife  of John  LUTES.  Jan.  17,  1873-   --
                            Har.  7.  1937.   John  I. LUTES.  Jan.  20.   Yvonne  BEAULIEU,  1908-1959.
                            1&4-~ir.  io.  1957.
                            He  giveth  Hir  beloved  sleep.   P655-HcNAB--In  loving memory  of Alexander
                                                               HcNAB,  1807.1964.   His wife,  Margaret  5.
                            P642-KENNERLEY--George.  1897-.   Beloved   GIBB.  1886-1975.  Harv  K..  1913-1970.
                            husband  of Adelaide  ALLEN.  1847-1 977.
                            Daughter  of  George  H.  ALLEN,  1868-1963.
                                                               --                            ***
                                                               P656-AILEN--In  loving memory  of
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