Page 105 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 105

P515-KNOX--Jarn~r  Henry  YNOX.  1R99-1976.   P52P.MOFFATT--Ronald   Gary,   1943.1968,
                           Beloved  hurbartd  of Cathleen  O'NEIL.   Belaved  husband  of Diane  E.  FALCONER.
                           !i. ,7.  0703  /0?r<on  ,!.;t:kI
                                                              P53U-O'NLIL--In  loving memory  of George
                           P516-HELMAN--In  memory  bf Albert  U.   m6-i%95-1958.   His  wife,  Rore  Alma
                           HELMRN   Beloved  husband  of Cora  8.   LEBlAU.  1896-1375.
                           FAULKNER,  1896-193).
                                                              P531--Edward  C.  UOOFF,  Private,  1  Can  L.
                           P517-ALBERT                        Battn..  C.E.F.   2  May  1959,  age  81.
                           Ifunr  sr,,oes)  Mother.   Father.
                           t~,,::,,,  ,;,z,.;                 P537--5anluel  5.  UOOOS.  Sergeant,  130
                                                             Battn.,  C.E.F.   5  May  1962,  age  66.
                           P5!B-8l!CILAllO--AI  len,  1909-1 970.   Laurel
                           r~;IifiT51970.                     P533-CHII.VEP.8--In   memory  of  John  Henry,
                           Gird';  greatest  gift returned  to  God,  our   1898-1961.   Irene BuRTT,  I9O3-.
                           math??.  father  d  grand  parents.  (sic)
                                                             P534-MATTHE--In  loving memory  of  Harold
                           PSl9-PACK--In  rnemary  of  5.  Harold  PACK,   MATTHEUS,  1905-1961,
                           1886-1950.   Beloged  husband  of  Lillian  L.   ''InHHis Peace."
                           HllLLII;AN,  1891.1963,
                                                             P535-HANDISIlJ--1J.ying   flst)  In loving
                           ---rmdrker;   aurratlnding  STEWART     of  Clarence  Hugh,  1895-1963.
                           P521-C!ICHkRNE--Evelyn   FOSTER,  1919.1969,   P53h-CRA!G
                           Uife  of  Gerald  COCHRANE,  1913..   -
                                                              P537--(lying  flat  at  foot of P1361  In
                                                             loving merno1.y  of  Ronald  James.  1921.1953.
                           P5ZZ-RORERTS--Erni:  y,  1890-1975.   Beloved
                           wire  of  Richard  Rlun.  1884-1 976.   P538-DAYIDSON--In  loving memory.   Urn.
                                                             GarnGTiT4T1973.  Jean  A.
                           PSZ~-VCNURRT--OSH~~~ 1901..
                          -                8..      His      BPO,  Cc7r.>2at DAl:22S@tV.
                           beloved  wife.  Caryl  V.  PIERS.  1905.1972,
                                                             P539-MEHLlllG--In  laving memory  of Mildred
                           P~~~-CARROLL--DCU~~~~ M.B.F..     LAWRENCE,  1882-1952  Uife of Joseph  5.
                           London,  England.  1909,  Manotick,  Ontario,   HEIILING,  1873-1955.
                           1972.  Beloved  t8u;bdnd  oT  Catherine
                           Leitch NELSON.                    WRLKERINICOI.
                           Till  tomorrow.
                          ,bi2';'>:i?   rym>,3?.             P540-LEROY--Abbie  M.  LEROY,  wife  of  Henry
                                                             8.  HETCALF,  1882-1968.   Her  sister,  Ruby
                           P525-MOWRT--Ct~arler L..  1913..   His  wiFe,   Gladys  LEROY,  1895-1973.   Ulfe  of  Douglas
                           Lair  I. HULLIGRN,  192?-.        Earle  THUMSON,  1892-1971.
                          -.  P526-STEUART--In  laring memry  of our   P541-BULLARO--In  loving memory  of Emeline
                           beloved  son.  Terrance  Robert  STEWART.   BULLARO,  1858-1959.   Beloved  aunt  of Lola
                           1945-1964.                        GOOOMA1.1.
                                                             "Absent  from  the  body.  Present  with  the
                           P527-DALE--Evelyn  J.  PADGET,  1907.1969.   Lord."
                           Beloved  wife  of  William  A.  DALE,  1906-
                           1967.                             P542-GOODMAN--In  loving memory  of  Rlex-
                                                             ander  GOODMRN,  1892-1963.   Beloved  hus-
                           P528--(lying  flat  ar  foot of P527)  Uilliam   band  of  ~aia BULLRRD.  1888-1965.
                          mALE,  Gunner  R.C.A.,   11  May  1967,  age   "Yith  Christ which  is far  betterm'
                                                             --          Hector  MOWAT.  1870-1957.**
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