Page 103 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 103
P472-(contd) ir8 Glaigaw. Scot.. Harriet FOSTER, lR87-1969.
J.C. CTEWEPT, Oct. 7. 1883-Jan. 13. 1923. Rr-0. C-orge SRZER.
P473.-RIITLER--1r liemar? of Ernest N. PBR~-NELSON--II' loving memory. John A.
BUTLLR, 1876-1939, His wife, Florence NLLSON, died July 14, 1923, aged 47 yrs.
NESIII~T. 1893-19?3. His wife. Carline 6. SULLIVAN. died Nav.
16. 1961, aqed 80 Yrs. (sic1
,m;un;~, s:,,~I,<,;..
Asleep in isu us
P414-MiILLIGEN--In memry of William John F/O J.L. NELSON, R.C.A.F.. born March 3,
MIJLLIGAN, 1855-1924. His wife, Sarah 1920, killed in jet crash. Jan. 29, 1954.
Jane KENNEDY. 1857-1925. At rest.
at Gimli. Man. Lawrence E. NELSON.
In memory of rerber-t H3Li.IGEll, 1883.1971
His wife, Alma DUNNING, 1893-19. Jean
Elinar, lV6--aged 19 days. P485-NELSON--In memory of Robert NELSON,
born Jan. 7, 1845, died Sept. 5, 19ZR.
James A. MIILLIGAN, 1893-1930.
His wife, Grace Ann WOODS. born June 7,
1849, died Ju!y I. 1939.
P475-HYLkKn--Cam1 ine ANDREWS, 1878-1 953. Jerur raid, I am the way the truth and
~er son, John HYLAND, 1902.1951. Beloved the life.
husband of E. May HENRY. Gordon H.,
1??H-I 376. In loving memory of Thomas William
NELSON. 1873-1955. Nary WOODS NELSON.
1875-1956. Robert Ernest, 1879.1963.
Pd86--(lying flat in TAYLOR plot)
In lovin* memory of Myrtle Eleanor
UEFALCO. Rug. 2. 1897, Nav. 3, 1941
0477-JACKSON--Frederic Charles JACKSON,
1577.1932. Beloved husband of Florence P13.-PRl lC,AR;- - 105~~8.8 Pill lCdAR3. 1391-
- . - . .
rlTTs, 1887-1924. (sic: 1342 ,115 IIIC. lennle nl.clh. 1331-
1911 rrc>c~>.k n>15x,r ORIIC~IAP',
P47R-SAl:lE--Robert r. BAYNE, died Mar. Oct. 24, 1962. At rest.
75, 13Karipd 4 yrr. and 6 mos.
E-leep ill Jerus. ?40R-UPTtill--William Roules UPTON, born
Oct. 18, 1856, died July I, 1923.
?4i9-DEliURRDEN--Rabprt James, 1577-1966. "The law of Truth was in his mouth."
Huioand of Esrhara Jane HUGHES, 1883- His wife. Maraerv 5. BAYNE. born July 27. . ' .
19?2. End Cllarlotte STAE!YER. 15R1-1965. 1859, digd 0c;. i9, 1934.
She taught us by her life serene, What
P4PO-LnVlilE--In rnemDry of George 9. faith an6 hope and love could mean.
LIIYINF, 1886-134:. Hurbarld of L~lcinda John Bayne UPTON, born Nav. 21, 1889,
died Jan. 29. 1958. And his wife, Mil-
dred Kathleen OOWLER, born July 31, 1895.
P~~~-DRY:WSON--I~ laving memory of James
DAYIDSON, died Seot. 4, 1926. aged 45 P4R9-MILLER--In rewry of John E. HILLER,
yesrr. iiir wife. iaphla KENIIEOY, died bDrn 1862-died 1923. His wife, Isabelle
April 20. 1%7, aged R'! years. At rest.
H.L. HILL, born 1867-died 1956.
In maory of Gladys M.K. MILLEP, 1903-
1925. Irene K. MILLER, wife of Rev. F /
R. 5. MILLIKEN, O.D., 1896-1953.
Itbe "I" changed Lo an "R". I
P483-GREER--In loving memary of George C P490--5.C. 27223 Q.M.S. Jams E. BOTTE,
GREER. 1876-1946. His wife, Margaret J. EA.S.C. 22nd Maich, 1950. ***