Page 24 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 24

162.  Henry  KEiNEDY  1863-1936,  his wife   170.  Michael  O'KEffE  1866-1935,
                    Catherine  SULLIVAN  1881-1958.           his wife  Ellen MmAN  1885-1971.
                    Sons  and  daughter,  Francis
                    1915-1915                            171.  I.L.U.O.   Jessie  MCINTWB  1900-
                    Gregory  1909-1930                        1941,  wife of  John  L.  SCOTT
                     it; G2C-1932.                            1898-  .  their  daughter,
                    Rest  in peace.                          Willo  Theresa  1935-1937,  their  son
                                                             Ambrose  Isaac  1932-1967.
                163.  KEN?JEDY.  Hugh  1861-1957
                    his wife  Henrietta  CARROLL  1871-   172.  ?AMPLE.   I.M.0.   John  Patrick
                    1930.                                     Jan.  12,  1955 - Oct.  3,  1961.
                    dau.  Annie  1905-1939                   Son  of  James  O  Evelyn.
                     son  Henry  1896-1952                    The  Lard  in my  shepherd.
                    son  Thomas  1897-1955.
                    L.  P.  K-I   19W-1961.              173.  Tboaas  G.  BROW  died  Nov.  10,  1938
                                                             Aged  67  Yrs.
                164.  William  J.  E.XN  1877-1963
                    his  wife Hergaret  E.  KmEDY        174.  1871 Thomas  G.  BROWN,  1938.
                    1880-1934  and  Anna  FGAU  1888-1943    Mother  1874  Helen  WEMN  1952.
                    Rest  in peace.                          Son  1908 John  James  1967.  At  rest.

                165.  BYRNE.                             175.  Frank  A.  CLARK  1868-1939
                    Patrick Ansely.  1875-1934
                    Catherine ROWAN  1879-1952           176.  Pray  for  thr  souls of  Michael
                    Carmelira  1915-191                      Edvnrd  M-N   1855-1939,  his  vife
                    John Urban  1906-1968                    Johanna  O'BRII3  1858-1942.
                                                             Osrald  Jermiah  MEMAN  1883-1952
                166.  Uichael  WLLIGAN  died Her.  6,  1933
                    Aged  72  ps.                            Mary  Monica  MEEiAN  1904-1953,  vife
                                                             of  Anthony  CDRKmY
                167.  I.L.M.O.   Lawrence  F.  QUCE  1892-1963   John  Poley MERiAN  1891-
                    beloved  husband  of  Violet M.  H U
                    Herch  9,  1974.
                                                         177.  O'WNNEZL.  Frances Anne  R.N.
                    "Hay  Lolliet.s soul  rest  in peace.
                                                             (GAlASS1)  1908-1977.
                                                              "Rest  in peace".
                168.  O'CONNE3.L.  Ronald  E.  died  1953,
                    his  wife  Amanda ''   died          178.  RYAN.   James  1852-1950,  his rife
                    Ever  remembered.
                                                             C.  Annie  SULLIVAN  1878-1955.
                                                             Sister St.  Dominic,  nee  Veronica
                169.  1.11.0.   Andrew  ROACH  died Hay  2,   RYAN  1907-1958.   R.I.P.
                    1947.  aeed  77 ws.
                    ~ngeia ROACH i877-1957.                  Martin RYAN  1818-1915,  his wife
                                                             Elirabeth HWRICK  1828-1922.
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