Page 22 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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121.  I.L.H.O.   Elizabeth  LWHY,  wife  of   132.  Pray  for the  soul  of  Ellen
                     John  FMREST,  died  April  24,  1894    O'CONNELL,  wife  of  Patrick  ROCHE
                     aged  42  yrs.  R.I.P.                   died  June  1,  1892.  Aged  67  Yrs.
                     Hary  Frances  died  Oct.  31,  1899,   133.  William  O'COHNELL  died  April  30,
                     aged  17 yrs.
                     Andrew  died  Sept.  16,  1908.  Aged
                                                              Margaret PLYNN,  his wife  died
                     18 yrs.
                                                              April  6,  1869.
                122.  I.H.O.   Hary  Loretto JOHNSON.
                                                          134.  Pray  for the Soul  of  Uary,  died
                     Born  June  2nd  1878 - died  Jan.       Nov.  1860,  Aged  10 Yrs.,  also,
                     12th 1884,  also                         Uargret,  died  Har.  1867,  Aged
                     James  Joseph  JOHNSON.                  7  Yrs.   Children  of  Denis  and
                     Born  Uar.  28th  1883,  died  Aug.
                                                              Bridget  SULLIVAN.
                     25th  1883.
                                                         135.  Pray  for  the  Soul  of  Richard
                123.  In loving memory  of  Edward  FORREST   O'CONAELL,  died  Dec.  5,  1920.
                     died  Nov.  9th  1921.   Aged  58  Yrs.
                                                              Aged  89 Yrs.
                124.  I.H.O.   Michael  FORREST,  1843-1924   Pray  for the  Soul  of  Esther  HEMN,
                     his wife Bridget  GLEFSON,  1847-        his  wife,  died  July  20,  1937.
                     1926.  Catherine  Teresa  F(XU(EST       Aged  96  Yrs.   R.I.P.
                                                         136.  I.H.O.   Thomas  CAWIOU,  born  Mar.20,
                125.  Uichael  F.  GRACE  1859-1926           1840,  died  July 14,  1914.  His wife
                     his rife Annie  MCOLRRY  1865-1943       Mary  ROWAN,'  born  1843,  died  1918.
                                                              Aged  75  Trs.   R.I.P.
                126.  Cement  Cross
                                                              William  CARROLL,  born  July  12,
                                                              1881 - died  Dec.  3,  1919.
                127.  Cement  Cross
                                                         137.  Pray  for  the  soul  of  James  ROAN,
                128.  Frederick  J.  WRM, 1897-1968,          rho  died          broken  stone.
                     his wife  Catherine  E.  CASEY,
                                                         138.  Pray  for  the  soul  of  Patrick  ROWAN,
                                                              died  Hay  28,  1891.  AE  92 y'rs.
                129.  I.H.O.   Hichael  CASCI,  1842-1918,
                     his rife Bridget  RYAN,  1869-1939.      also,  Catherine  ROWAN,  died  Oct.  8,
                                                              1888.  AE  87  y'rs.
                130.  Ambrose  D.  WJRCH  1899-1975,  his
                                                         139.  O'KEIPE.   David  1929,  Stephen  1934,
                     wife  Veronica  W.  CASEY,  1912-
                                                              Catherine  1944.
                131.  Pray  for  the  soul  of  Yilliam   140.  BROW.
                     QVANAGH,   who  died Harch  4,  1888.
                                                                  1883  John  James  1973,  his
                     Aged  54  Yrs.   R.I.P.
                                                              wife,  1891 Clara  RYAN,  his  father,
                     Michael  CAVANACH  died  Harch  8,  1891   1837 Thomas  1912,  his rife,  1843
                     Aged  84  Yrs.   R.I.P.                  Maryanne  SCISSONS  1918,  their
                                                              children,  Thomas  and  Barbara.  R.I.P.
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