Page 20 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 20

Pray  for  the  soul  of  John  F.  VAUGHAN   102.  Pray  for  the  soul  of  Timothy
                     died  Dec.  13,  1891 aged  43 y'rs.     KENNEDY,  who  departed  this life
                     Requiescat  in pace.   Pected by         Nov.  2,  1854  aged  55  years.   Also
                     Ws.  J.  F.  Vaughan.                    his  son,  David,  died Mar.  24,  1858,
                                                              aged  26  years.  May  their  rouls
                     'Tarewell".   Please  pray  for  the  soul   R.I.P.
                     of  Margret MANTLE,  beloved  wife  of
                     Richard  WADY,  died Hay  6,  1892,   103.  i.m.0.  John  KANADY  who  died  Jan.  31
                     aged  78  ytrs.  R.I.P.                  1848  Aged  51 Yrs.  may  he  RIP  Amen

                     John  UANTEL,  died Nov.  5,  1831   1W.  i.m.0.   Mary  KENNWY  the  beloved  wife
                     AE  MI  yrs.  his  wife  Helen  HCRGAN,   of  Cornelius  WONEY  died  bbr.  25,
                     died kr.  26,  1870.  AE  95 yrs.        1851.  AE  27  Yrs.
                     Nancy  FIhWKM,  vife  of  Robert
                     HANTEL,  died  Dec.  19th 1863.      105.  Of  your  charity,  pray.  for the  soul
                     AE  50  yrs.                             of  Thomas  CI*ZNCY Jr,  who  died
                                                              Dec.  17,  1869,  aged  20  yrs.  Hay
                     Farewell.   Pray  for  the  soul  of     his  soul R.I.P.   Amen
                     Oven  COLTON.   Died  Aug.  14.  1080
                     A6  65 Yrs.                          106.  CNmE  Iptius P.     T.  Edward
                                                                      1908-1973     1915-
                     Native  of  Co.  Tyrone,  Ireland.
                     may  his  soul R.I.P.
                                                          107.  O'KDYE,  Thomas  1860  1954
                                                              his  wife  Genevieve RCDERUOTT
                     In life beloved,  in death  lamented.    1880  1955,    ever  loved
                     i.m.0.   John.  Son  of  S.  G E.  KLlLY
                     Died  Uar.  12,  1870.  AE.  3  yrs.   108.  Ray for the  soul  of,  Jeremiah
                     10 mos.  27  days.                       O'BRIM,  who  departed  this  life
                     epitaph.. . Suffer  little children
                                                              Dct.  31st  1890,  aged  70  y'rs,
                                                              6  mo.  also his beloved  vife
                     Pray  for  the  Soul  of  nary,  wife  of
                                                              Catherine FOLN,  who  died  Oct.  31st
                     Benjamin  PINERS,  died  Feb.  12,       1889,  aged  61 y'rs  7  mo.
                     1858.  Aged  M Yrs.  Kay  she RIP.                               R.I.P.
                     Amen.                                    Kind  friends beware  as you  pass by
                                                              As  you  are nor,  so  once  was  I.
                                                              As I  am  now,  so you  must  be.
                     Hichael HOGAN  who  died Nov.  12,       Repare,  therefore,  to follow me.
                     1862.  Aged  50  Yrs.
                     may  he  RIP.  Amen                      Pray  for  the  soul of  Uary  F.  O'BRIm
                                                              rife of  Uichael F.  SUIlH  died  Nov.
                     i.m.0.   James  QUINN who  died Oct.7    9,  1900,  aged  54  y'rs.
                     1858.  Aged  60  Yrs.
                     Uay  he  rest in peace.   Amen

                     JOHN  (small  flat  stone)
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