Page 14 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 14

-22.   Pray  for  the  soul  of  Hary  KELLY,   26.   Of  your  charity,  pray,  for  the
                     rife  of  Thos.  NEILL,  died  Har  6,   soul  of  Bridget  HCNALLY,  who  died,
                     1899,  Aged  39  y'rs.                   Feb.  11,  1872,  aged  22  yrs.  May
                                                              her  soul R.I.P.   Amen.
                     Jesus  has  called  the  mother  home,
                     Her  flesli  has  moul-dering  in the   27.   Sacred  to the  memory  of,  Patrick
                     tomb                                     O W ,  who,  departed  this life,
                     Gad  grant  her  off-spring  may  be
                     blest  and  meet  her  in eternal rest   June  3,  1858,  AE  57  yrs.
                                                         28.   In  memory  of,  Haggie  Ellen,  GRACE,
                23.   In  memory  of  Ellen  OBRIEN,  beloved   died,  July  7,  1900,  aged  18 yrs,
                     rife  of  Michael  KIXLY,  died  22,     G  6  mos.
                     Aug.,  1879,  AE  32  y'rs.
                                                              Sleep  on  my  dear  in,  calm  repose,
                     Hay  her  soul rest in peace.  Amen.
                                                              Though  parted  now,  a  while,
                                                              In yonder  realm  we'll  join  in
                24.   In loving memory,  of,  Timothy         praise,  and  greet  your  happy,  smile
                     WYTE,  died  Aug.  8,  1911,  aged
                     83 ps.                                   Erected  by  her  aunt,  Hiss  Hickey.
                     His wife  Ann  FAGAN,  died  Mar.  17,th
                     1879,  aged  39  yrs.               29.   Pray  for  the  soul  of,  Catherine
                     Their  son  Daniel  JAUES,  died  April   SHWAN,  wife  of  James  YHITE,  died
                     16,  1909,  aged  42  ps.                Nov.  18,  1896,  aged  72  y'rs.
                     Requiescant  in pace.                    Pray  for  the  soul  of  James  WHITE,
                                                              died  June  11,  1898,  aged  76  y'rs.
                     Also  their  children,
                     Mnrgaret,  1861-1863                     Pray for  the  soul  of,  James  WITE
                                                              died,  Feb.  15,  1871,  Aged  90  ylrs,
                     Hargarct  Hathilda,  1865-1867
                                                              also his rife,  Hanora  HAHONEY,  died,
                     John  Timothy,  1871-1871                Aug.  15,  1870,  aged  80  y'rs.
                     Annie  Therra,  1872-1872                Pray  for the  soul of,  Alice  LINDFAY,
                                                              wife  of  James  VHITE,  died,  Uar.  6,
                     John,  1876-1876
                                                              1858,  aged  28  y'rs.
                     Timothy,  1873-1881
                                                              (rusted  iron cross between  29  G  30)
                     Josephine,  1879-1879
                                                         30.   Pray  for the  soul of  Katie  O'BRIEN,
                25.   Of  your  charity,  pray,  for  the     died,  June  1, 1900,  aged  3  yrs.
                     soul of,  Lidgea  H.,   wife  of,        5  nos.
                     Alex'r.  MCNALLY,  died  Har  21,  1866,
                     aged  43 yrs.                       31.   In  loving memory,  of,  Julia  R.
                     Also  three  sons  and  one  daughter.   m N ,  beloved,  wife  of,  &nest  J.
                                                              HAHONGI,  Daughter  of,  Bridget  Grace,
                     Mny  their  souls  rest  in peace.       and,  William  Patrick HEPHAN,  1893-
                                                              Erected  by  her  children,
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