Page 13 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 13

9.   Clasped  hands  ribbon  Farewell   li,.   In memory  of  Father  and  Mother
                                                               Philip UHER      Eleanor  COYNE
                      Pray  for  the  soul of  Catherine
                                                               died  July  2,  1883  died  Oct.  28,
                      PHILBAN,  died  28  Jan,  1878,  aged                     1885
                      35  y'rs.
                                                               Hay  everlasting peace  be  theirs.
                      Hay  her  saul  rest  in  peace,  Amen.   Amen.
                      Erected by her  Step Father,
                                                          17.  In memry  of  Patrick BRADY,  died
                      Francis  COLTON.
                                                               April  28,  1865,  AE  41 yrs.,  also
                                                               Jolm  BRADY,  died  Dec.  21,  1868,
                 10.   Pray  for  the  soul  of  Hicheal,
                                                               AE  71 yrs.   Natives  of  Ireland.
                      son  of  Uicheal G. Hary  CORCmAN,
                      who  died  Sept,  26,  1854,  aged       Requiescant  in pace,  Amen.
                      7  years.
                                                          13.  Uichael HICKEY,  died  Jan.  26,
                      Hay  his  soul  rest in peace.
                                                               1900,  aged  84  yrs.  His  wife,
                                                               nary  A.  SWEm,  died  Hay  4,  1888,
                 11.  Metal  monument  lying flat,  appears
                      broken.                                  aged  63 yrs.
                                                               Uay  their  souls rest  in peace.
                      In memory  of  Sarah  CURREN, beloved
                      wife  of  R.  J.  DRAPER,  died  Hay  4,   Fkected  by  Hiss Hickey.
                      1889,  aged  39  years.
                                                               Bridget  HICKEY,  died,  Dec.  22,
                                                               1885,  aged  26  yrs.
                 12.  Of  your  charity,  pray  for  the
                      saul  of  Patrick BURNS  0)              Dennis  HICKEY, died  Nov.  29,
                      who  died,  june  29,  1867,  aged       1883,  aged  30  yrs.
                      38  y'rs.
                                                          19.  Pray  for  the  sould  of  Bridget
                      Native  of  Co.  Carlaw,  Ireland.
                                                               Jane  UWMARA,  wife  of  Thomas
                                                               Vhite,  who  departed  this  life
                 13.  In loving memory  of  a  dear Mother,
                      Elizabeth  Kelly.  Nov.  23,  1875 -     Nov.  11,  1896.
                      Mar.  30,  1962.  Beloved  wife  of      Hay  her  soul  rest  in peace.
                      Jolm  GOING.                             Thomas  VHITE,  1838-1919,  and  his
                                                               2nd  wife,  Hatilda  HCDONALD,  1852-
                 14.  Thomas  KELLY, born  Jan.  1841,         1927.
                      died  Oct.  1910.
                      His wife  Jane  O'LLWY,  died        20.  Pray  for the  saul  of  Honora,  wife
                      Nov.  22,  1934,  aged  92  yrs.         of  John  HCNAMARA,  who  died  Jan.  8,
                                                               1863,  aged  60  years.
                      Requiescant  in pace.
                                                               Hay  she rest  in peace,  Amen.
                 15.  In loving memory  of  Hellen T.
                      HCDOMLD,  1872-1951,  wife  of       21.  Pray  far the  soul  of  Uichael
                      Daniel  J.  WW, 1875-                    KELLY, who  died  Hay  15,  1864,
                                                               aged  67  years.  Hay  his  soul
                                                               R.I.P.   Amen.
                                                              Erected  by  his  son  Peter.
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