Page 12 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 12

                 1.  Jane  HCGAHEY,  wife  of  M.  L.     4.  Requiescant  in pace,  Michael
                    KWmY, died  Jan.  6,  1908,  aged         Dennis  KGAN,  born  Sep.  29,  1888,
                     34  yrs.  Rest  in peace                 died Apr.  29,  1918.
                    Eileen KEMIEDY, 1944-1965                Uary  1873-1909.
                    Raymond  KENNEDY, 1947-1948               Catherine  1876-1933.
                    Hicheal L.  KENNFDY,  died  June  1,     Margaret  1880-1949.
                     1931,  age  65 yrs.
                                                             Bridget  Ann  1872-1960.
                 2.  Sacred  to  the memory  of  Gregory  S.   5.   Pray for  the  soul of  Daniel  K4QlER
                    NAGLE,  died  Dec.  26,  1867,  aged
                                                              died  Oct.  23,  1865,  abed  74  p-s.
                     1 y'r  G 6  nos.
                                                             Uay  his  soul  rest  in peace  Amen.
                    Patrick  J.  NAGLE,  died  July  18,
                     1881,  aged  19 y'rs.                   We  adore  thee,  0  Lord  Jesus  Christ
                                                              and  bless Thee,  because  by  thy
                    Uargaret  H.  NAGLE,  died  Jan.  9,      holy  cross,  Thou  hast  redeemed
                     1882,  aged  26  y'rs.
                                                              the  wrld.
                    Uay  their  souls rest  in peace
                    Amen                                  6.   Clasped  hands  with  ribbon
                                                              inscribed  Farewell.
                     Sacred  to the  memory  of  Garrett
                    MGLE,  died  June  7,  1851,  aged        Pray  for the  soul of  Sarah LYNCH.
                     84  y'rs.                               Beloved  rife of  Morgan  OBRIEN.
                                                              Died  18,  Oct.  1879,  aged  44  y'rs.
                     His rife Hanorah,  died  Nov.  20,
                     W2,  aged  58  y'rs.                    Hay  her  soul  rest  in peace,  Amen.
                    Also  their  son  John,  died  July  17,   7.   Pray  for  the  soul  of  William,
                     1841,  aged  25  y'rs.
                                                              died  Uar.  24,  1873,  aged  14  y'rs
                     Natives  of  Co.  Cork,  Ireland        G 2  mots.   (broken  stone)
                    Uay  their  souls rest  in peace         Hay  his  soul rest  in peace,  Amen.
                                                          8.  R.  HMMAN,  rife of  Francis  COLTON
                 3.   James  J.  NAGLE,  died,  Nov.  12,     died  22,  Aug.  1881,  AE  68  y'rs.
                     1870.  aaed  49  v'rs.  R.I.P.
                        .  -
                                                              Hay  her  soul  rest  in peace Amen.
                     His  daughter,  Ellen  T.  MGLE,
                     died  Jan.  28,  1874,  aged  4  y'rs,   Francis  COLTON,  died  Aug.  23,
                     10 nos.                                  1887.  AE  78  y'rs.
                     Hay  she  R.I.P.
                     Mary  Anne  CAVANAG3,  relict  of
                     James  J.  NAGLE,  died  Sept.  20,
                     1907,  aged  80 yrs.
                     Uay  she  R.I.P.
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