Page 162 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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SCHNEIDER RUDOLPH; 1892-1 967 127
SCHROEDEL EDOUARD-H; 1878-195 1, In memory of Edouard Schroedel. note; 41 1
Beloved Husband and Father
SEABLOOM ANTON-E; 1901 -1 970, husband of Helen; 1909-1 978 536
SEABLOOM HELEN; Antone-E Seabloom; 1901-1970, husband of Helen; 1909-1978 537
SINCLAIR LILA-ESSON; William-Arthur Percival; Jul. 6, 1879 - Feb. 23, 1944, 523
Beloved Husband of Lila Esson Sinclair; Apr. 15, 1883 - Feb. 5, 1960.
SMITH MARGARET-A; d. Sept. 17, 1931, 63 yrs, Beloved Wife of Chas. Straiton, 360
autre; Charles Straiton; b. Apr. 30, 1865, d. Jan. 21, 1958
SMYLE BABY; aucune autre identification 5 14
SOKOL JOHN; Nov. 7, 1902 - Sept 18: 1984 68
SORMUNEN E; aucune autre identification 703
SORMUNEN; Hilma-K; 1889-1959, In loving memory of Hilma-K Sormunen, autre; 641
Emil; 1892- (R)
STEELE ELVERA, 191 0-2001, note; Most beloved mother and pdmother 219
STEELSAMY; b. Sept. 8,1886, d. June4,1966, W. M. Steels; b. Sept.26,1878, d.Nov. 625
STEWARD GEORGE-C; 1880-1938 498
STONE JOHN; 16 Sept. 1965,62 ans, private cdn forest~y Corps. 188
STRAITON CHARLES; Margaret-A Smith; d. Sept. 17, 1931,63 yrs, Beloved Wife of 360
Chas. Straiton, autre; Charles Straiton; b. Apr. 30, 1865, d. Jan. 21, 1958
SUN1 ANNA; 1892-1952, Eric; 1886-1960 5 42
SUONPAA AKU; aucune autre identification 19
SUTHERLAND ALlCE (Neegan); 1893-1 972, Wife of George 177