Page 161 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 161
RINTOUL BB; aucune autre identification 561
RISLAKEUS ANTTI; 1894-1958, In loving mernos. of Antti Rislakeus, note; rest in
RISLAKEUS MARIA; note; Tassa Lepaa, syntyny (née) lokakuu (oct.) 27, 1874, kuulu
(décédé) toukokuu (mai) 28, 1943, note; ei elama tarjomut ruusuja sulle vaan pudlisu
parhain olit sa mulle sua muistan katkerin kyyhelin salaa vaikka tiedan etta koskaan et
luoksni palaa, lepaa rauhassa maija
ROBINSON EDITH, 1905-1970, note; wife and mother
ROBINSON VIVIAN-M; 1924-1992, note; Loving Wife and Mother
ROBINSON; In memoriam mother Robinson; b. 1867, d. Oct. 27, 1943, father b. 1866,
d. Aug. 1 1, 1943
ROOMER KARPI: aucune autre identification
ROSEVEAR EDWIN-J; Pnvate 48 HIGHRS of Canada, 29 Feb. 1992,77 yrs.
ROUSE WILLIAM-H; 1895-1971, Eva-L; 1902-1975
RUOTELA OLGA; aucune autre identification
SAARi KEVEN; Oct. 20, 1977 - Aug. 29, 1977, note; with Jesus
SACHOWSKY WILLLAM; March 6,1926 - (R), Dorthy M Sachowsky; June 7, 1926 -
Aug. 15,2000, note; Our love will last forever.
SALO AUNI: aucune autre identification
SALO HANNA; 1894- 1970
SALONEN OLAVI-H; 1919- 1967, In loving memory of Olavi-H Salonen, note; at rest
SANSUI NICK; aucune autre identification
SARALAMPI VEIKKO S; JuI. 12, 1908 - June 28, 1996, note, Lepaa Rauhassa
SARH KEVEN; OCT. 20, 1972 - Aug. 29, 1977, note; With Jesus