Page 159 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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NEWTON COURTNEY; Sapper, C.E., C.E.F. 23 rdo Dec. 1948, note; rest in peace           194

                NICHOLS H-J; Elizabeth Straiton; May 13, 1902 - Jun. 17, 1962, In loving memory of  361
                Elizabeth Straiton, Beloved Wife of Harry Nichols. autre; Barbara-Jean Hatnill, Beloved
                 Dauthter of Harry And Elizabeth Nichols;  Mar. 2,  1929 - Sept. 28,  1978, autre; H-J
                 "Hm" Nichols, Beloved Husband of Elizabeth Straiton: Aug,. 2 1,1899 -Jan. 14,1986,
                note; Your love will light my way, your memory wiIl ever be with me.

                NlCHOLS LESLIE-GEORGE; Agnes-Emnia-NashNichols; Jul. 6,1866 -Nov. 28,1937,  441
                Beloved Wife of William-J Nichols, Leslie-George Nichols; Feb. 28, 1905 - Mar.  15,
                 1927, note; What a mother should be, she was that, autre;  William-James Nicohls; b.
                 Sept. 9, 1919 - Oct. 5, 1977

                NICHOLS  WILLIAM-JAMES; Agnes-Emma-Nash Nichols; Jul. 6,  1866 - Nov. 28>  440
                 1937, Beloved Wife of William-J Nichols, Leslie-George Nichols; Feb. 28, 1905 - Mar.
                 15, 1927, note; What a mother should be. she was that, autre;  William-James Nicohls;
                b. Sept. 9, 1919 - Oct. 5, 1977

                NIEMI ADA-MAE;  1916-1963, In  loving memory of Ada-Mae (Muir) Niemi.  note:  695
                Buried in Toronto

                NIEMI JUSSI; aucune autre identification                                              138

                NIEMI WALTER;  190 1 - 197 1                                                          166

                NlKUI  OTTO; Tassa Lepaa syn touroukuu  (bom May),  15, 1883. kuo-syskuu  (died  530
                Sept.), 28.  1946, kun Iehbet puigtaputoili  sa nukuit ikiuneen kuin unelma on elana se
                kestaa hetken vaan lepaa rauhassa otto nullassa vierahan maan

                NISKANEN IDA; 1889-1964, In memory of Ida Niskanen, note; Lepaa Rauhassa              125

                NISKANEN OTTO; 1891-1936, note; Ever remembered ever loved                            356

                NISKANEN OTTO; 189 1-1936, note; Ever remembered, ever loved                          356

                NUMMELIN ARTHUR; aucune autre identification                                          85

                OLIVER HAROLD; 1914-1962. In memory of Oliver Harold, note; Sweet be thy rest         692
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