Page 228 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 228

Lavell,  161                                      Londeau,  144
                      Lavergne,  159,166                                Logan,  192
                      Lavigne,  116,123,129,161,!83,                    Longchamps,  146,152,169
                      Laviolette,  109,183                              Longpré,  124
                      Lavoie,  130                                      Longtin,  131
                      Lawrence,  144,155,182,                           Longton,  141
                     :antoi,     ?.77                                   lnr~l ln, 200
                      Leahy,  155                                       Lorenger , 118
                      Leamy,  106                                       Lou,  132
                      Lebeau,  199                                      Loughrey,  171
                      Lebel,  116,173,184                               Lowell,  157
                      Leblanc,  109,117,141,148,153,16,2,               Loyer,  118
                      195,                                              Loyst,  145
                     Leblond,  159                                      Luciana,  174
                      Lebrun,  110,150,160                              Lukacs,  156
                      Leclair,  117,124                                 Lusignan,  119
                      Leclerc,  700                                     Lussier,  121
                      Lecompte,  150,                                   Lynch,  116,15/,1Y3
                      Lecomte,  167                                     Lyons,  166,176
                      Leconte,  152                                     MacBride,  182
                     Lecourt,  106                                      blaccabe,  101
                     Lecuyer,  118,142,162                              hfacDonald,  102,116,1?2,145
                     Ledoux,  127                                       MacDonnell,  172
                     Leduc,  106,107,124,15S,159,i82,183,MacDougall,  157
                      198,                                              Mace,  116,117
                     Lefebvre,  130,142,147,154,?13,190,                >la::Grady,  187
                     193,195,                                           JlacKell,  179
                     Leffler,  173                                      )lacMartin,  161
                     Legaré,  117,150,152,169,182                       MacLeod,  135,164
                     Legault,  104,106,116,141,151,185,                 MacMaster,  102
                     200,                                               Madaire,  152
                     Léger,  157,191                                    Maheaus,  153
                     Lemay,  117                                        Vahlig,  194
                     Lemieux,  188,198                                  hlahon,  165
                     Leonard,  176                                      Xlahoney , 134,200
                     Lepage,  121,122,133,169,194,                      Irlailhot,  151
                     Leroux,  108,116,198                               hlainguy , 130
                     Lesaux,  167,172                                   Irlainville,  110,114,136,191
                     Letourneau,  181                                   Major,  154,169,189,190,?97
                     Leveillé,  137,172,197                             Malachy,  147,154
                     Levert,  145                                       Malette,  130,185,196
                     Levesque,  115,129,169                             Mallet,  166
                     Lewis,  133                                        hfalley,  220
                     Liard,  115                                        Maloney,  124,136,164
                     Linege,  137                                      Malouin,  144
                     Lineger,  192                                     Mandia,  189
                     Little,  136,142                                  Irlanione,  179
                     Lizotte,  123                                     Manning,  117,138
                     Lizzi,  121                                       Slanodrowsky,  136
                     Locatelli,  179                                   Manrasan,  174
                     Lock,  139                                        blantha,  170,178,195
                     Lombardo,  189                                    Irfarand,  119
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