Page 232 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 232
Roy, 103,123,133,148,160,170,193, Sincennes, 159
Rubino, 158 Skehan, 146
Rue,, 187 Slattrry, 104,105,139,151
Rufiange, 115 Sloan, 104,178,180
Rule, 104,118,147 Smith, 141,146,149,~50,1hOi161,189,
Ryan, 107,123,139,160,184 Snaith, 198
-, -,"
Sauuu~ 111, LU+ ,lv* S--;tf, 13 c
Sabetti, 159,160 Snook, 187
Saffny, 157 Soccovanna, 188
Sakoski, 195 Somerville, 152
Sarazin, 111,162,198,199 Sorensen, 135
Sarffreld, 176 Sorrento, 154
Sarkozy, 139 Soublière, 138,180
Saumure, 142,154 Soulière, 168,169
Saunders, 158 Spearman, 142
Sauriol, 109,115,130,153 Spénard, 174
Zddvi, 167,195 Spocze~.~aue 1.71~
Savage, 178 Sprovieri, 161
Savard, 106,155 Stafford, 152
Savoie, 133 St-Amand, 167,169,174
Tiaxton. 128 St -Amour. ï. 7 2
Sayer, 174,175 Stapleion, 124
Scallon, 125 St-Clair, 102
Scanlon, 170,179.187 St-Denis, 111,137,i.82,187
~cantland, 173 Steele, 123
Scheel, 119 Cieosippe, 112
Scheffer, 165 Stepleton, 156
Schmaltz, 187 Stevens, 107
Schnupp, 117 Stewart, 125,134,188
Schoch, 106 St-George, 108,116,143,153,1.i,3,187,
Schofield, 172 St-Germain, 172,176,177
St-Jean, 112,153,165
scolie, i56 Si-Julien, 101
Scott, 116,137,148 St-Laurent, 170,199
Scullion. 148 St-Louis, 123,124,136,143
Seguin, 105,114,166,174,197 St-Michel, 151
Sendall, 133 Stock, 181
Senécal, 129 St-Pierre, 171,196
Sennott, 178 Strangeways, 142
Shaw, 176 Strong, 198
Sha~n, 151 Sullivan, 148,196
Sheahan, 135,138,143,168 Summers, 147
Sheppard, 167 Sutton, 181
Sherlock, 124 Swain, 158
Shiels, 198 Sweeney, 117
Shore, 183 Sweet, 106
Shorkey, 173 Swift, 191
Sickman, 174 Sylvain, 187,188
Sigouin, 123,127,152 Synek, 154
Silvio, 103 Tailiefer, 165
Simard, 127,137 Talbot, 132,159,194
Sin, 183 Tallon, 161