Page 224 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 224

Dotater,  139                                     Enright,  160
                      Doucet,  129                                      Esmond,  129
                      Doucette,  167                                    Espher,  199
                      Doule.  135                                       Ethier,  150
                      Dowling,  187                                     Etmansky , 176
                      Downey,  139,184                                  Evanovitch,  180
                      D?yl.e,  1.?5,138:,142.1.62,168.176               Evraire,  140
                      ~oyon; 114                                        Facette,  li~
                      Driscoll.  109.189                                Facto,  178
                      Drouin,  i18,li8,140                              Fagan,  126
                      Dubé,  154,157,159,177,180                        Farley,  143
                      Dubois,  129,197,199                              Farmer,  193
                      ~ubreuil, 197                                     Farnand,  164
                      Dubroy,  145                                      Farrell,  136,137
                      Dubuc,  106,117                                   Fauquier , 173
                      Ducharme,  188                                    Favier,  163
                      Dnchesneau,  132                                  Feeny,  168
                      Duclan.  132                                      Fennely,  113
                      Duffy,  131,170                                   Fergus,  131
                      Duford,  101,102,105,172,188                      Ferguson,  108,161
                      Dufort,  87,188                                   Fermayle , 140
                      ~ufour; 129,                                      Ferriman,  160
                      Dufresne,  105                                    Fex,  110
                      Duggan,  111                                      Finan,  165,170
                      Dugual,  123                                      Finlan,  147
                      Duguay,  167                                      Finley,  191
                      Duhaime.  184                                     Finnerty,  159
                      Duhamel,  180                                     Fitrgerald,  174,190
                      Dulude,  189                                      Fitzpatrick,  185
                      Dumais,  11?,118,123,183                          Fitzsimiaons , 164
                      Dumoulin,  129                                    Flanagan , 179
                      Dumontiei,  170                                   Flansberrv.  130
                      Dunn,  160,180,183,184                            Flegg,  132'
                      Dunnigan,  145                                    Flemming,  120
                      Dunning,  158                                     Fleurant,  196
                      Du~erre. 116                                      Fleury,  i78
                                                                        Flood,  149
                      ~uhuetfe, 180                                     Florent,  118
                      Durocher,  119,131,192                            Flynn,  110
                      Dussault.  166                                    Fogarty,  131,197,200
                      Dusseau,  122                                     Foisv.  106.183
                                                                              , ,
                      Dutrisac,  146                                    Foley,  113,132,1.33,ii4,16.3,183
                      Edmonds,  137                                     Foran,  125,146
                      Edmondson,  192                                   Forpet,  162,193
                      Edward,  102,141,170                              Forster.  187
                      Egan,  166,182                                    Forter,  135
                      Egleson,  101                                     Fortier,  138,197
                      Ellement,  143                                    Fortin,  119
                      Ellingworth,  148,173                             Foster,  135
                      Elliott,  145                                     Fournier,  111,127,162,183,191
                      Emard,  111                                       Fox,  115,179,185
                      Emery,  141                                       Franis,  200
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