Page 172 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 172

ARTHUR  LACASSE                                   ELZEAR  LACASSE
                      1887  .- 1944                                     1913  -  1944
                      ------------                                      epoux  de
                      hl01 SE  IilAHE.4US                               Colomde  Gauthier
                      1886  -  1968                                     1911  -  1971
                      c;cux  d-                                         6noiise  de
                      Antonia  Leduc  1900  -  ----                     Armand  Rochon
                      Paul    1936  -  1944                                             -
                      -----------                                       LOUIS  FAUL
                      ROUSSON                                           1878  -  1943
                      Florida  Chaine                                   husband  of
                      1901  -  1933                                     Helena  Contant
                      Zenaide  Gratton                                  1883  -  1965
                      1903 -  1944                                      Joseph  Paul
                      Lucille  Brazeau                                  b  and  d  July  1941
                      1905  -  1954                                     Anthony  Leslie  lmth
                      Donat  J.                                         ------------
                      1898  -  1974                                     RYRNE
                      -----------                                       Regina  Lafleur  1890  -  1943
                      MOORE                                             wife  of
                      Malvina  Morris                                   Harry  Byrne           188F  -  1951
                      1888  -  1964                                     Clifford  B.           1916  -  1977
                      John  F.  Moore                                   ------------
                      Elizebath  Trudeau                                JAMES  F.  31CGEE      1884  -  1944
                      1865  -  1944                                     husband  of
                      Ernest  Blair                                     Catherine  Tsylnr
                      1910  -  1950                                     --------- --
                      ------------                                      GAMB LE
                      GRAVELLE                                          Oliviane  Ollie  Carricrc
                      Bernadette  St-Jean                               1886  -  1944
                      1894  -  1944                                     wife  of
                      epouse  de                                        David  K.  Gamble
                      Lione  L.  Gravelle                               1885  -  1930
                      1890  -  1948                                     Label  Campbell
                      ----------- -                                     1911  -  1943
                      KIGGINS                                           -----------
                      hlatilda  Atkins                                  ST-GEORGES
                      1875  -  1944                                     Catherine  Coté  1869  -  1944
                      wife  of                                          Liliane  ST-Georee  -
                      Frank  E.  Kiggins                                7913  -  1976
                      -----------                                       Miss  Dora  ST-George
                      TREMPE                                            1890  -  ---- I
                      Wilfred  1884  -  1945                            ----_------- '-
                      husband  of                                       ALFRED  LEBLANC        1970-  1944
                      Lucia  Mongeon                                    Kathleen  O'Grady  Leblanc
                      1889  -  1975                                     Laurrin
                      Gerald     1928  -  1972                          1887  -  1962
                      Edmond  Mongeon                                   ------------
                      1871 -  1958                                      bL4RTEL
                      Edmonde  Ssuriol                                  Exirine  Lanioiireux
                      1911  -1972                                       1896  -  1944
                      -----------                                       cpouse  de
                                                                        Arthur  Martel
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