Page 169 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 169
DAZE 1816 - 1944
Elriier ime Gagnûn Eldon Cullen
épouse de 1930 - 1945
Noe Ethier 1857 - 1932 F/O Leonard Cullen
wife of 1919 - 1944
Fmi 1 ien Lebrun Royal Canadian Air Force
,.-. .
1885 - 1927 Allleu ;,LL:C;~
Josephine Ethier Sandjord Norway
wife of -----------
1879 - 1913 1912 - 1944
Gilbert Bro@usseau epouse de
1905 - 1979 Oscar Gagnon-------
husband of ------------
Lucien Daze 1900 - ---- RITA PILON
Aloeqe Ethier 1870 - 1931
1878 - 1941 1sidoi.e Pilon 1875 - 1955
- - - - - - - - - - - son epouse
HEh'RY LNNETT SMITH Celina Gendaon 1879 - 1958
d Jan. 15 ,1946 51 yrs WILSON
husband of James Joseph 1903 - 196,~
Bertha Archambeault Husband of
1891 - 1963 Geneviebe Burke 1901 - ----
RT. Rev. M.S.G.R. Mary Wilson
John R.Smith Infant 1943
D.P.P.P. ------------
1896 - 1972 JOSEPH A. LECOMPTE
Founder and first Paster of 1879 - 1944
Our Lady Of Fatima Church husband of
Ottawa Odile Trepanier
Margaret FlcKenna 1876 - 1954
wife of - ----
Nov. 28,1905 81 yrs Gracia Giroux
her daughter 1890 - 1948
Francis (Fossier) 78 yrs tiusband of
Caroline Robinson Emile Dagenais
d Jan.6,1930 1883 - 1958
------------- Olivier Giroux
CULLEN 1862 - 1943
Father James P. Cullen husband of
1890 - 1962 Annstasia Legare
Mother 1863 - 1954
Abigail Milks Germaine Boily
1893 - 1974 1921 - 1973
James Robert Cullen wife of
1937 - 1970 J. Romeo Dagenais
Kathleen Cullen 1920 -----
wife of ------------
Paul Burke