Page 171 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 171

HEARNE                                            HENRI  AUGER       1873 -  1944
                      Vera  O'Neil       1918  -  19A4                  epoux  de
                      wife  of                                          Homeline  Legare         1872  -  1955
                      Thomas  Hearne                                    Rene  Auger        1904  -  1951
                      - - - - - - - - - - -                             Denis  Legare  1870  -  1953

                      THOhTA'j  P   SnhlFRVTT  1 F                      rorinn~ AII~PT.  1908  -  1970
                      d  July  30  1944  54  yrs                        -----------
                      his wife                                          THAhIAS  LAHEY       1864  -  1945
                      hlerha  M.  Page                                  husband  of
                      1888  -  1965                                     Anne  Hick           1886  -  1974
                      Garry  Sigouin                                    hiargaret  Lorena  Lahey
                      1940  -  1975                                     1906  -  1952
                      - - - - - - - - - - - -                           iiiife  of
                      LAJOIE                                            Frank  Clark
                      Herve  Laioie       1899  -  1949                 -----------
                      husband  of                                       ROSA  JANE  FICCORMICK
                      Colomde  hladaire                                 1889  -  1944
                      1899  -  ----                                     ------------
                      Eugene  Leconte                                   REID
                      1915-1971                                         Mary  Eli zebath  hlccormick
                      husband  of                                       188;  -  1958
                      Gertrude  Lajoie  1927                            iiife  of
                      Romeo  Lajoie          1921                       hlcclellan  Joseph  Reid
                     husband  of                                        1885  -  1968
                      LeonneSRoleau          1919                       -----------
                      -----------                                       LACRO 1 X
                      KINGSBURY                                         Juliette  Rivet
                     Alexander  Stafford                                1925  -  1945
                      1905  -  1944
                     husband  of                                        Eugene  L  crolx 1
                      Pauline  K.  Delira  LABelle                      ------------
                      1885  -  1945                                     JOHN  hlcNALLY
                      -----------                                       1856  -  1957
                      R. 82577AB-CHEF                                   Catherine  Brennan
                     J. E.Sylvio                                        wife  of
                     SigoUin  Carc                                      John  McNally
                     d  Aug. 27,1944                                    1866  -  1948
                     LONGCHAhIP                                         -----------
                     hlathilda  Cere                                    RENE  DESCHAFIPS
                     1877  -  1944                                      ne  la  dec.17,1930
                     épouse  de                                         d  avril  19,1958
                     Theophi le  Longchamp
                     1897  -  1951                                      ADELARD  DESCHAhIPS
                     R.  Theode  Longchamp                              1874  -  1944
                     1913  -  1959                                      husband  of
                     epoux  de                                          Elizebath  Desormeaux
                     Laurette  Couture                                  1878  -  1963
                     Frrnande  Paquet                                   Rene  Deschamps
                     1903  -  1977                                      1910  -  1972
                     epouse  de                                        husband  of
                     Donat  Longchamp  1906                             Simone  Villenuve
                      --------------                                    1911  -  1976
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