Page 159 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 159

4CTON                                             BRUDER
                      Clair  John  Acton                                Allsn  Patrick  Bruder
                     b  March  1897  d  June  1955                      1891  -  1943
                      *ife  Anne  b  sept  1907                         -----------
                      their  sons                                       GERVAI S
                      Pcter  Huge  P. P.-?on                            ryq?:7i rb  A  CPTV~ i E
                      1947  -  1973                                     1886  -  1944
                      ~ose~h ~lan S.                                    -----------
                      b  March  27,1935                                 BENOIT
                      d  Oct.  4,1943                                   Joseph  Mack  aenoit
                                                                        1886  -  1944
                      BRUCKS  /  EYRAIRE                                his  wife
                      Hugh  Edward  Brucks                              Bridgid  Mary  O'Conner
                      b  July  5,1894                                   1882  -  1961
                      d  Sept  18,  1957                                -----------
                      his  wife                                         RTCHER
                     Julie  Mary  Jubinville
                      b  July  27,1896
                     d  Oct.9.1977                                      Sarrha  Hickey
                     Earnest  Joseph  Evraire                           b  Jan.27,1890  d  Feb.10,1957
                     b  Nov.30,1890                                     wife  of
                     d  Dec.31,1949                                     Omer  Richer
                     his  wife                                          ALBERT
                     Helen  Brucks                                      Samuel  H.Albert  1866  -  194"
                     b  Dec.2,1887                                      his  wife
                     d  Jan.5,1970                                      Delia  Ladouceur  1872           193;
                     -----------                                        ------------
                     AMI GUET                                           CAMILLE  DROUIN        1899  -. 1975
                     Emma  Gareau       1886  -  1945                   husband  of
                     wife  of                                           Simone  Gauthier
                     Leon  Pmiguet  1890  -  1955                       Cordelia  hligneroii  Dr,~uii!
                     ------------                                       1861  .,  1944
                     LUCIEN  CHARLEBOIS                                 -----------
                     1892  -  1946                                      LE0  MORIN
                     -----------                                        1903  -  1944
                     CYRLLE  COULObIBE                                  his  wife
                     Aviateur  Chef                                     hlarjorie  Ann  Ferinoyle
                     C.A.R.C.                                           1906  -  1971
                     .4pr.15,1965  69  yrs                              -----------
                     -----------                                        NOEL  de  TILLY
                     COULOMBE                                           Margrerite  M.  Hurtubise
                     Cyrille  Coulombe                                  1894  -  1944
                     1895  -  1965                                      wife  of
                     husband  of                                        Louis  G.Noel  de  Tilly
                     Lucienne  Charlebois                               ------------
                     1901 -  1974                                       hIORIN
                     -----------                                       Annette  Poitier
                     hlcl\;ALLY                                         1'303  -  1952
                     Leo  C.  hlcNally                                 wife  of
                     b  1898  -  d  1943                                Rene  Morin
                     -----------                                        1901  -  1'368
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