Page 155 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 155

BUTLER                                            husband  of
                     Helen  Marie  Prerce                             Aurore  Crete  1909  -  ----
                      1895  -  1942                                    tlizebath  Crete  1882  -  1952
                     wife  of                                          Lucienne  Crete  1921  -  1944
                      James  Edmund  Butler                            Oscar  Crete           1930  -  1961
                      -----------                                      ------------
                      PIORRI SSEY                                      Colonel  Richard  fi.  Lashley
                     Agnes  Farrell                                    R.C.A.C.
                      d  Oct.  31,1942                                Jan  26,1947
                     wife  of                                          ------------
                      Philip  Morrissey                               LASHLEY
                      -----------                                     Jean       1933  -  1942
                     WREN                                             col,  ~ichard Lashley
                      Loretta  St.Louis                               1892  -  1947
                      d  Oct  14,1946  56  yrs                        Carol  Anne        1947-
                     wife  of                                         ------------
                      Joseph  L.  Wren                                JCHN  h!.   Ke~RD0ii
                      -----------                                     1874  -  1934
                     TRACEY                                           hiisband  of
                     James  Charles  Tracey                           Rose  J.  Wilkinson
                     b  Jan.  17,1893  d  Nov.  7,1942                1877  -  1963
                     husband  of                                      Margaret  C.  Reardon
                      Genevieve  l'atters                             1816  -  1942
                     b  Feb.  16,1894  d  Aue.  26,1978               ------------
                     Alban  Tracey                                    \\'ILLIAPI  J.  NCIXINCH
                     b  Play  17,1935  d  Nov.  22,1971               1874  -  1963
                     - - - - - - - - - - -                            husband  of
                     bt-2RY  TIERNEY      1885  -  1937               Teresa  Neagher
                     wife  of                                         1870  -  1943
                     D.J.  hlcNeely       1873  -  1957               their  dauehter
                     W.E.  McN~ely  1914  -  1949                     Bernice
                     - - . - - - - - - - -                            wife  of
                     hL4LONEY                                         Dr.  J. 17.  Cavanagh
                     Peter  Joseph  hleloney                          1907  -  1947
                     husband  of                                      Agnes     Condon
                     lTirginie hlainville                             1869  -  1952
                     b  Islarch  23,1877  d  hlarch  8,1943           ------------
                     wife  L'irginie                                  hWRY  HURIh'KOlGSKY       1862  -  1942
                     b  Aug.  1884  d  Oct.  1960                     hlike  Manodro~,~sky
                     their  son                                                      --
                     hlart  J.      1915  -  1976                     JOHN  H.  DEGKAY          1875  -  1!155
                     his wife                                         his  wife
                     Marie-Blanche  Bertrand            1913-         Venetta  Morin            1878  -  1912
                     -----------                                      ------------
                     GOYETTE                                          RILEY
                     hlarie  hlongeon      1882  -  1946              George  Riley
                     wife  of                                         husband  of
                     Alhert  Goyet te                                 Sagie  Little
                     Marie  Therese  1914  -  1942                    d  Dec.  15,1942  49  yrs
                     -----------                                      ------------
                     JOIIN  BARXES         1903 -  1942               BRUI\'ET
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