Page 158 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 158

Anna  Lamothe       1866  -  1943                 MUNROE
                      -----------                                       Richard  J.  Nunroe
                      JOSEPH  MIT0        1901  -  1943                 d  Aug.  9,1943  69  yrs
                      husband  of                                       his wife
                      blary  Sarkozy                                    Catherine  Dillion
                      blichael            1939  -  1945                 d  June  26,1953  80  yrs
                      blary  hiiro        i3Ù4  -  i97L                 7- .,. .  ~~--h--+  E-h     7  1946  44yrs
                      -----------                                       Gerald  R.  d  Apr.5,1910  2yrs
                      LOCKE                                             -----------
                      Mary  Bridget  McCarthy                           CAIRNS
                      wife  of  the  late                               Frederick  John  Cairns
                      Judson  Locke                                     1884  -  1943
                                                                        - -
                      1860  -  1943                                     wife  Florence  N.  Powers
                      - - - - - - - - - - -                             1887  -  1977
                      GARDEN                                            -----------
                      Mabel  E.  Thompson                               STEPHEN  DOWNEY
                      1893  -  1943                                     D  Aug  11,1943  66yrs
                      wife  of                                          his  wife
                      William  G  Garden                                Mary  Martha  McConnery
                      1890  -  1962                                     d  Nov.26,1957  77  yrs
                      --------- --
                      SLATTERY                                          LOUISE  T.  BOURGET
                      Irene  H.  Bernardine                             1878  -1950
                      d  July  10  1543  46  yrs                        -----------
                      wife  of                                          NATOLEON  LAROCQUE
                      Bernard  Slattery                                 1897  .-  1943
                      -----------                                       his  wife
                      BISHOP                                            Rosanna  Thibault
                      Rosanna  Danis                                    1873  -  1943
                      wife  of                                          -----------
                      De  Feu                                           J.  FRANCIS  BERGIN
                      Winfield  Bishop                                  d  Sept.  1943  62  yrs
                      d  mai  27,1956  76  yrs                          iiusband  of
                      -----------                                       Frances  Redmond
                      JOHN  J.  GRACE                                   ------------
                      D  July  25,1943                                  ALEXANDER  LAUDER
                      -----------                                       1871  -  1943

                      ISAAC  TREPANIER        1871  -  1951             huçband  of
                      husband  of                                       Theresa  Burke
                      Alexina  Brunet         1874  -  1956             1887  -  1963
                      Noise  H.  Trepanier                              -----------
                      1906  -  1962                                     DEMERS
                      husband  of                                       Sinia  (Sie)  Demerç
                      Berthe  Mercier                                   1900  -  1943
                      1903  -  1967                                     beloved  wife
                      -----------                                       Jeanne  R.A.  Delcorde
                      HARRY  DOTATER       1896  -  1943                1907  -  1973
                      husband  of                                       -----------
                      Georgina  Keyes  1996  -  1968                    HILD  P  RYAN
                      -----------                                       d  Sept .27,1943
                                                                        iiife  of
                                                                        Lawrence  S.  Rynn
                                                                        mother  of
                                                                        Robert  Joseph
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