Page 73 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 73
Bridget Ann Holland 1884 - 1964
1884 - 1945 époux de
wife of Plarit Dupuis
Timothy blcNamara 1886 - 1973
1884 - 1961 Margaret McGary
his son Thomas 1920 - 1962
1913 - 1964 epuli~e ic.
---------- Louis Gauthier
1895 - 1960 1861 - 1945
son épouse -----------
Ida Kingsbury KELLY
1906 - 1975 Aneda Ellen, wife of
Cécile Charlebois Thomas Gerald Kelly
1923 - 1959 1923 - 1978
Lise Charlebois -----------
Florida Carisse
HAROLD J . HANDY 1890 - 1945
1918 - 1973 épouse de
Robert Handy Raoul Mousseau
d 12 aug 1945 1887 - 1956
---------- Louis Mousseau
POULIN 1911 - 1975
Rosa Larose husband of
1869 - 1945 Elsie Hare
épouse de 1917 - ----
Charles Poulin -----------
1866 - 1946 ZUANA
- - - - - - - - - - Mary Riva
HUGH JAMES BURKE 1867 - 1945
1897 - 1955 wife of Peter iuana
Hubert James Burke 1856 - 1952
1920 - 1946 Samuel Zuana
---------- 1897 - 1970
TUNNEY Albert Zuana
Mary Jane Dea 1904 - 1972
d mar 10 1955 81 yrs -----------
wife of LEVESQUE
John James Tunney Adelaide Normand
d nov 15 1957 84 yrs 1879 - 1945
Lawrence Raymond Tunney épouse de Adélard Levesque
missing overseas 27 dec 1942 -----------
Frederic Milton Johnson MICHAEL JOHN TREPANIER
oct 27 1905 - apr 20 1980 1944 - 1946
husband of Plaria Agnes Tunney -----------
---------- AIME BOUCHER
VICTOR blcNALLY 1886 - 1945
1897 - 1951 époux de
husband of Valérie Malbeuf
Carmelita hloran 1891 - 1966
---------- -----------