Page 76 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 76

ANNIE  GREEN                                      ALEXANDRE  LAROSE  DIT  JIVOJUE
                     wife  of  William  Cain                           1858  -  1925
                     d  july  19  1928                                 son  épouse
                     .- - - - - - . - - - -                            Elmire  Biais
                     CAMILLE  BERTHELETTE                              1862  -  1934
                     1892  -  1925                                     Duncan  Séguin
                     &poux de                                          1909  -  1970
                     Liaire  ïiudel                                    L???v-  Taroce  dit  Jivojue
                     Albert  Charron                                   1904  -  1978
                     1884  -  1953                                     -----------
                     é~oux de                                          GEORGE  MULLEN
                     ~Lliette Lafontaine                               1858  -  1939
                     1900  -  1972                                     liusband  of
                     - - - - - - - - - - -                             Ellen  O'Neil
                     JEREMIAH  O'SULLIVAN                              1865  -  1954
                     1851 -  1925                                      Thomas  Mullen
                     liis  wife                                        1889  -  1953
                     Mary  Ann  hlccarthy                              Robet  Mullen
                     1850  -  1940                                     1901  -  192/
                     Theresa  O'Sullivan                               Z  .Mullen
                     d  aug  10  1959                                  1887  -  1966
                     Catherine  O' Sullivan                            Lillian  Tucker
                     d  aug  4  1961                                   1895  -  1927
                    Ellen  OfSullivan                                  wife  of  W.J.Mullen
                     d  mar  13 1965                                   -----------
                     Mary  O' Sul1 ivan                                PATRICK  ARMSTRONG
                     d  mar  27  1965                                  1851  -  1929
                     -. - - - - - - - - - -                            his  wife
                     1UNKIN-SMITH                                      Ellen  Jane  Warnock
                     Thomas  A.Rankin-Smith,  1958                     1863 -  1934
                    husband  of  Lorena  May                           Joseph  Patrick  Armstrong,  Md.
                     Kenneth  Lunan                                    1902  -  1942
                    1908  -  1973                                      .. - . - - - - - - - -
                    husband  of                                        i)AVID  IrlANCUSO
                    Velva  Rankin-Smith                                1891  -  1956
                    1912  -  ----                                      his  wife
                    -----------                                        Katie  Hodges
                    PATRICK  HAYDEN                                    1885  -  1947
                    1852  -  1926                                      Leonard  Mancuso
                    his  wife                                          1918  -  1957
                    Ellen  Salter                                      infant:  Lina,  1915
                    ROSS  THOMPSON                                    Catherine  Quirk
                    1895  -  1966                                      1884  -  1948
                    husband  of                                       Sgt  W.J.Quirk
                    Violet  Halone                                    d  jan  13 1959  70  yrs
                    F'ercy  Thompson                                  -----------
                    1897  -  1925                                     WILLIAM  McVEITY
                    haby  Steven                                      d  may  14  1926  58  yrs
                    d  apr  3  1953                                   -----------
                    - - - - - - - - - - -
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