Page 68 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 68
Suzan Leahy O'BRIEN
1871 - 1957 Catherine Young
John Lynch wife of
1896 - 1976 Matthew O'Brien
his wife 1869 - 1924
~ -
Agnes ~onnelly Matthew O'Brien
1897 - 1975 1875 - 1946
Barbara, 1925 cnelr g14~~; 3Vir ?.!Üu:~:?
O'Neill Lynch 1945 - 1949
1893 - 1970 their son Gerald
James Poupore Lynch 1911 - 1967
1914 - 1969
----------- ACH 1 LE LAMARCHE
BURPEE DOUGLAS d 16 juin 1924 71 ans
1865 - 1923 son épouse
husband of Alphonsine Clément
Ann Grace Coughlan d 30 seDt 1943 84 ans
187.3 - 1949 Blanche Lamarche
Chester Douglas 1893 - 1950
1904 - 1950 Josaphat Lamarche
----------- 1892 - 1959
THOMAS WEST Valmore Lamarche
1887 - 1942
1869 - 1952 -----------
his wife
Margaret Maroney DEMPSEY
1872 - 1956 Annie Nevins
Mary Maroney wife of
1878 - 1960 h1illiam Dempsey
----------- d june 17 1924 56 yrs
JOHN JOSEPH BOGUE ------- ----
july 20 1866 - jan 5 1946 ALBINA PHILION
husband of épouse de
blargaret Clancy Guillaume Chouliiard
seDt 14 1862 - mav 4 1955 d 26 juin 1924 67 ans
~o6n Bogue Jene Chouinard
aug 18 1906 - july 25 1925 1902 - 1957
------ ----- his wife
1875 - 1954 1904 - 1940
époux de A.Parrish
Bvélina Charbonneau 1915 - 1963
1873 - 1943 C.Parrish
Gj lberte Lauzon 1894 - 1973
1907 - 1924
1905 - 1967 1901 - 1964
Jeanne Jolette époux de
1906 - ---- Jeanne Cusson
.- - -------- - 1900 - 1965
,4NDREA CRIFERO Albertine >,fartineau
d nov 27 1973 29 yrs 1875 - 1'341
wife of Joseph Thinel