Page 66 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 66

MILO  JOSEPH  KILROY                               1871  -  1919
                     :l924  -  1977                                    Bridget  Welsh
                     liusband  of                                       1867  -  1940
                     Joan  O'Brien                                     Robert  Finan
                     Michael  O'Brien                                  1899  -  1976
                     11886  -  1952                                    Anne  Lachance
                     liusband  of                                      1903  -  ----
                     Sara  Travers                                      . -  - - - - - - - -
                     Wilf red  Charbonneau                             SARA  VALIQUET
                     l913  -  1960                                     1885  -  1950
                     -----------                                       Louis  Georee  Valiauet
                     IEAGHER                                           1893  -  1972
                     14ary  Jane  Walker                         '     Blanche  Valiquet
                     d  dec  1  1946  75  yrs                          1887  -  1973
                     wife  of  John  Meagher                           Alice  Valiquet
                     d  mar  25  1954  80  yrs                         1890  -  1977
                     Gordon  Meagher                                   Sara  Laflamme
                     d  aug  29  1936  35  yrs                         épouse  de
                     husband  of                                       U.  Valiquet
                     Lilliane  Allard                                  1855  -  1925
                     Margaret  Walker                                  J.B.U.Valiquet
                     1852  -  1926                                     30  iuin  1856  -  3  fév  1930
                     Catherine  Marion  Meagher                        ~lric Valiquet
                     d  feb  3  1965  57  yrs                          1881  -  1932
                     Cecile  Allard                                    son  épouse
                     avr  2  1915  -  aug  13 1966                     Grace  Harris
                     wife  of                                          1882  -  1962
                     .John  Wilfred  Meagher                           -----------
                     apr  24  1905  -  june  4  1978                   BERUBE
                     .. - - - - - - - - - -                            Arthur  Dionne
                     ROBERT  FINAN                                     d  4  oct  1924  74  ans
                     1863  -  1936                                     Sara  Levesque
                     his  wife                                         d  26  jan  1906  52  ans
                     Ellen  Welsh                                      Arthur  Bérubé
                     1864  -  1957                                     d  15 nov  1929  61  ans
                     John  Joseph  Finan                               André  Renaud
                     1.894  -  1916                                    d  28  avr  1937  74  ans
                     killed  in  France                                Marie-Louise  Bérubé  Renaud
                     Peter  Leo  Finan                                 d  23  jui?  1961  84  ans
                     1904  -  ----                                     Gertrude  Bérubé
                     Dominic  Finan                                    1902  -  1972
                     1907  -  1926                                     Françoise  Morin
                     William  Thomas  Finan                            1909  -  1949
                     1.900  -  1919                                    épouse  de  Rodolphe  Bérubé
                     Elary  Catherine  Finan                           -----------
                     1~892 -  1908                                     JOHN  O'KEEFE
                     Esther  Ellen  Finan                              1887  -  1906
                     1899  -  1922                                     Francis  O'Keefe
                     John  Robert  Finan                               1936  -  1940
                     1891  -  1894                                     hlichael  O'Keefe
                     E:llen  Elizabeth  Finan                          1939  -  1966
                     1897  -  1897                                     Patrick  O'Keefe
                     ?Tichael  Welsh                                   1852  -  1924
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