Page 242 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 242

Ma  y,  John
                   May,  John  R.
                   McArthur , Max
                   McConnell,  Lizziebelle
                   McKay , Francis  Ruth
                   McKerracher,  Theodore  R,
                  IfMcLachlin,  Norma  Vancourtland
                   McLean,  Anna
                   McLennan, Mrs.  Don
                   fiJcLellan,  Isabel1
                   McKanus , Jean
                   McMillen,  Anna  R.
                   McNeil,  William  James
                   Merrifield,  Robert
                   Merrifield,  Aaida  K.
                   Merrick,  Mrs.  M.  C.
                   ifierwin,  Andrew  C.
                  *Meyer,  Frederick  Eenry
                   Moir,  G.  Donald
                   Montieth,  John
                   Moore,  Sadie
                   Moorehouse,  Catherine  Irene
                 XMunro,  Mrs.  Cecil
                 XTdunr O,  iriilhemina
                  .%Murdock, Sidney  Walter
                   Neilson,  John  Melville
                   Nixon,  Dorothy
                 kobst,  (Baby)  Hilda
                   Osborne,  Harry
                  *Paetzel.  Adolah  G.
                   Parker, '~u~ert
                 TPell,  Ed.
                 *Pierce.  Robert  John
                   Pierce,  Nrs.  Robert  J.
                   Presley,  Harold
                   Quinn,  Grace
                   Rechenburg,  Gustave
                 %Reid,  Alex  Haldane
                   Riddell,  Robert  J.
                  XRussell,  Idargaret
                   Scheel,  Robert                       @54
                    Scheel,  Tena  Streich               $74
                   Schubrink,  May  V.
                    Schultz,  Reinholt  A.
                 ++Shaw, Harriet  L.
                  +Shaw,  John  idelville
                    Sheffield,  Ira  S.
                    Sheffield,  Stanley
                    Simpson,  Lavina  A.
                  +Smith,  Mrs.  Noreen
                 +Smith,  Harold  G.
                    Snowdy,  Albert
                  f Stapleton,  Charles  Frederick
                   Starr,  Nettie  Jane
                    Staye,  Ruby  Ellen
                    Staye,  Johil                                                          K  Block
                    Staye,  Charles                                                         K  Block
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