Page 240 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 240

                                    ADDENDUNI  (Updated.
                 - .. . . . .  . --
                                                     .  .  ..
                 Allan,  Mrs.  Edward
                 Anderson,  Wm. R.
                 .Appleby,  A.  M.                  ...
                .Armsden,  S      .  Matilda
                 Armstrong,  Dr.  Albert
                 Bâker , IJr S.  Eleanor
                 Banning,  Alice  Mabel
                &Barr, Mary  Cladys
                 Barrie,  Alfred
                 Barrie,  Dr.  M.  O.  L.
                 Barrie,  Gordon
                 Beattie,  Minnie
                 Becker,  Mrs.  '~Yally
                 Becker,  Walter  E.
                 Berndt , Donald
                +Bethune,  Emma
                 Bews,  Xuriel
                 Blair,  James
                 Blair,  Illilton
                Moese,  Francis  Augustus
                %Bond,  Frederick  Jr.
                 Bond.,  Harry  Louis
                 Bond,  Harrg  Blond
                 Bowes,  Claris  (Sutherland)
                XBr andinore,  Joseph  E.
                arandimore,  Mrs.  Jos.  Jean
                 Broome,  Wihelmina
                 Bruce,  Mrs.  G.
                 Brydges,  S      .  W.  J.
                 Budd,  bs. Arthur
                eudd,  Robert  J.
               %Burke,  Sarah
                 Burnette,  Kenneth
                 Burnham,  $!rs.  J.  W.
                 Burril,  Sam
                 Burtcn,  Douga11
                 Campbell,  Fermilla
                 Campbell,  Mrs.  Victoria
                 Cardiff,  Anne  Taylor
                 Cardiff,  Gordon  Lawrence
                 Carnichael,  Er.  William Duncan
                 Carss,  E.  G.  Viinnifred
                 Carthy,  Thomas

                 Key:#      Denotes  correction  to original  recording.
                            Unmarked  entries  represent  new  information.

                 ----            To  use  this  additional  information,  consult
                 earlier  recording  bearing  the  indicated  plot  number  or
                 plot  description.
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