Page 241 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 241
Ccvanagh, Zrnest
Chabot, Leo Francis
?Clarke, Feiry
Clarke, Nellie
Ccde, iiiiiy
Cook, 5arry
Csok, Sinübell (ilflore)
Cr;iz, David
Craig , dzmes Lamier
Craig, iinnie Gordon
Cr;4wford9 Tiïuriel
Cutiningiia:n, Anne 1,iIeeks
D;:vies, idilliam
~aean, 3arÿ Ld~.a
i>~ô:-, vric :I. J.
Dean, Robert
Drumr.ond, idary 1.
T):issiûime, lrene iI.
%:;1 Lis, 3sSy Lynx ilexân6riû
utlie? ineton, hinie
Lvans, George 'ierlry
:xFrleday, i.iilfred
F':;lf or6 , Zriiie
*?;:;.merton, Herbert
Calian, drs. Neta
Gariach, Dick
i' ..,dAdette, Aeatrice
,,- -.
Gilmour, iilrs. Frnbt., :,;dl ion
Gt~odf ellovv, Catherine
Gcodîell on, Irene Isabella
$ihodl~jin, Alexander
Goodwin, Roy
Graham, Geor~e L.
;:;~een, Pers. George
i~reening, Clga
!jardIng, Idrs. 3im.
tjatton, Rhana
ï.iIsins, Rcbert L.
Iiixies, Louella Leslie
*Yitchcock, Grace
Holbein, Grace
%:!;ide, Gordon
r;Jzck, Nariori Y.
I<.ear!is, idery S1adys (Earr)
Kedey, hnne P.
*fLerr, Zrnie
Keuh~L, 1'2atilda
aF~'iiyhan, Anna 3.
wKi~~.chan, 1 hcsa s
r i 1 e s , i.ia t i Id a
Larsen, Bette Bngela
. .
Levi, Rlice C, IL.
fl,illie, Robt. Srnce
~~acCall;in9 Liabei
KacDlarmid, i.,lzrg
ti:anary, Douglas C.
i.linary, Phyllis Georgina