Page 201 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 201


                                                                                                 Flot  ''

               ?!a  5ei-t   Lllar:  Rur~lz
               :dt~i:er t ,  iiivina
               Kobert,  Acr.2  Jessje
               Kaliurt,  Urna  Fearl
               FJatert,  Godfrey                                                                 597  s&
              Kii i;t?rt, heint z                                                                2CiO  F.L.
              Iintcrt , diilius
               N~F~ert, Mecs  Neumac

              Nagic,  C.  D.
              Na);Le,  3avic!

              Barravvay,  Athos  lIax

              Kavec  Diorerice  K.
                      9  .  .

              N~il Sdith                                                                         368
              IVei.i.:L,  'rarik   J.                                                            388
              Neil,  Gwendo1ir:e                                                                 306
              Pieil,  J.  A.                                                                     165 F.6.
              Neill,  James                                                                      S6 F.S.
              Ne il?:, ' Jsne s  C .                                                             86 F.E.
              Xeil,  James T.                                                                    7x4  N$
              Neill,  dessie                                                                     87 F.C.
              P:ei? . j.'k rv  6nn
              IVell,  idary  (Cxrrie)
              )lei; 1, Robert  J.
              Kei:,    wi11i:~n  JO

               IVei::r;on,  John  r'rwcett                                                       45 F.G.
               Yeii son:  Gordon                                                                 45 F.E.
               Nei.:.soc,  Irefie  Jsne                                                          7
               !\TeiLs 3n, John  Jenes
               KeJ.:lçon,  Kothlcen  Ushan
               Nei:   sa^,  Xârgeret
               Nei:i.son,  it'illian  Ray

               .n.!ei.on,, !,.lade line
               ~\!erno, 't,!iliiain  J.
                                                                                                 D  Elock  FL
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