Page 198 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 198
?lot #
---- . --
Moore, hilliam E. Jr 965
176 F.E.
ï!Ioorheâd , Gerald
I'loorheaS, [hi. H.
idoorehouse, Bertha. A.
Iiloorehouse, Florence
J~locrehouse, Fred H.
LToorehouçe, Herbert F.
?,, Isabella
i\~Toorehouse, J.
Boorehouse, JohE
l~~loorehouse, John Bartiey
i!loorehouse, Kenneth C.
aIoor s i3 F.E.
I~Ioors , Delia
Moors, John Albert
EBoor s , Jno.
rfocrs, Thomas
23 F.E.
?:Torantzes, Samuel F.
LIoreau, Robert Eari
Moreau, 4iiIfred
I!dorgan, aillie
Morgan, Bruce
ilorgan, Ckarles !,.
Tdorgan, Ch?.rles Xdgar
IoTorgan, Kenneth
Mcrgan, Zella A.
l$Icrley, Frances NI.
orri ris, Harold 3.
P.Jorris, Ivîontague John
Morris, Olive Zlizabeth
A4orrov2, Elizabeth
Llorrow, Johnston
Koskos, James P.
ldoskos, John