Page 198 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 198

?lot  #
                                                             ----                              . --
              Moore,  hilliam  E.  Jr                                                           965
                                                                                                176 F.E.

              ï!Ioorheâd , Gerald
              I'loorheaS,  [hi.  H.

              idoorehouse,  Bertha.  A.
              Iiloorehouse,  Florence
              J~locrehouse,  Fred  H.
              LToorehouçe,  Herbert  F.
              ?,, Isabella
              i\~Toorehouse, J.
              Boorehouse,  JohE
              l~~loorehouse, John  Bartiey
              i!loorehouse,  Kenneth  C.

              aIoor s                                                                           i3 F.E.
              I~Ioors , Delia
              Moors,  John  Albert
              EBoor s , Jno.
              rfocrs,  Thomas

                                                                                                23  F.E.

              ?:Torantzes,  Samuel  F.

              LIoreau,  Robert  Eari
              Moreau,  4iiIfred

              I!dorgan,  aillie
              Morgan,  Bruce
              ilorgan,  Ckarles  !,.
              Tdorgan,  Ch?.rles  Xdgar
              IoTorgan,  Kenneth
              Mcrgan,  Zella  A.

              l$Icrley,  Frances  NI.

               orri ris,  Harold  3.
              P.Jorris,  Ivîontague  John
              Morris,  Olive  Zlizabeth

              A4orrov2,  Elizabeth
              Llorrow,  Johnston

              Koskos,  James  P.
              ldoskos,  John
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