Page 196 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 196
{Leore, irilliam L. Jr
LIoore, ijiiliism Ü. Sr
Koore, Vim.
7~~ .
Lloore, villliarn E. Sr
~OIoorhead, Gerald
2t,fcorhead, i.,i. 1-1.
I~Joorehouse, Ber~ha A.
Iiboorehû:~se, Florefice
~!foorehouse, Fred H.
?'foorehouse, Herbert P.
?~Iooreho~se, Isibeyla
I~IooroBocse, J,, John
bIoorehcüse, John 3artley
i~~oorehouçe, Kenneth G.
l'1oor s
Iidoors, Della
Xoors, John Albert
!!Ioor s , Jno.
rioor s , Thomas
i,loractzes, Samuel F.
îlorea~, Robert Earl 70 F.E.
l'doreeu, 'iiilfred 70 F.E.
Morgan, Biliie
Korgan, Bruce
ljLorgar,, Charles 6.
I~lorgan, Charles 3S.gar
Xorgan, Kenneth
Xcrgan, A.
l,~Iorleÿ, Frances id.
~dorphy, Bertha E.
Ncrphy , Frances
Morphy, Lila
IiJorphy , Idottie iIay
~,dorris, 3arold U.
Morris, Montague John
Morris, Olive Xlizabeth
Morrow, Elizabeth
l~Iorro@;, JohnstorA
Xoskos, James P.
Moskos, John