Page 174 - My FlipBook
P. 174
Insaiance records - If application and place of birth, Request fonn
has ever ben made for insurance,
10-611, 'Application for search of
request an oEciaf statement £rom Census Records.'
the insurance Company of the birth
facts as given on the insurance Other Federal records
- The
National Archives and Records Ser-
vice General Services Administra-
Selective service records - (1)
tion. Washington 25. D.C., main-
Veterans registered during World tains many records which may prove
War 1 should write to the Federal a person's age or citizenship, for
Records -Centre, 221 St. Joseph example: homestead applications.
(2) sliip passenger lists, seamen's pro-
Street, Eastpoint, Georgia;
Veterans registered during and since tection-ceracate applications, pen-
World War II should write to the sion applications, and persona1
Selective Service Board of the State records.
where they were registered. In
either case. be sure to provide the Other persona1 records - Records
following information: name of the such as applications for motor
person when registered, where regis- vehicle operators permits. marriage
tered, and date of birth as given on records, employment records. and
the registration.
records of fraternal organisations
usuaIlv include one or more facts of
Census Records - The Personal Cen- birth.
In obtaining these records to
sus Service Branch, Administrative
Service Division, U.S. Bureau of the prove age or place of birth, remem-
Census, Pittsburg, Kansas, will ber that records created nearest the
search decennial population census date of birth usuaiiy are the most
records for information about age helpful.