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P. 169
Regiments of the Scottish High-
1637 Cumfries.
1539 Dumblane and Perth.
lands' both published by Messrs.
W. & A. K. Johnson of Edinburgh
1867 Dunkeld.
1547 Glasgow.
as they will help considerably to
clarify the position.
1564 Hamilton andcampsie.
Compulsory registrations of births,
1630 Inverness.
1661 The Isles.
marriages, and deaths was insti-
1663 Kirkcudbright.
tuted in ScotIand in 1855 and since
that rime al1 the records have been
1595 Lanark.
1561 Lauder.
kept at:
1684 Moray.
The General Register Office of
1644 Orkney and Shetland.
Births, Marriages and Deaths.
168 1 Peebles.
New Record House,
1802 Ross.
1549 St. Andrews.
Princess Street,
1607 Stirling.
Edinburgh 2.
1700 Wigtown.
The fees for research and Certifi-
The Registers of the four Scottish
cates are basically tlie same as those
in England.
Strangely enough al1 the ancient St. Andrews and Aberdeen will pro-
Parish registers prior to 1855 are vide useful information in the case
also maintained in the same build- where an ancestor matriculated at
ing but they do not go back much one of the Universities. In most
beyond 1700. One must of course cases in addition to the names of
realise that the established Church the entrants, names of the parents
of Scotland is the Presbyterian are given as well.
Church. Application to H.M. Regis-
There are a number of Societies
trar General will also provide infor- in Scotland designed to help with
mation with regard to the Parish the study of family history. The
registers, though one must be excep- chief amongst these is:
tionally careful that the Parish con-
The Scots Ancestry Research
cerned is named and spelt correctly.
The reason for this is that the
Registry Clerks will not guess at a
20 York Place,
narne. Unless correctly spelt the
Edinburgh 2.
reply will corne back as ' Unknown '
or, ' No Record '. Universities, Glasgow, Edinburgh,
The Society was founded in 1945
Census records are available for as a non profit making organisation
the years 1841, ,1851, 1861, 1871, and considerable help has ben
these are also maintained at New given to inquirers of Scottish descent
Record House. both at home and overseas.
Testaments or Wills were proved The application fom supplied by
before the Commissariat Courts and the Society asks for the folIowing
the following dates give the earliest details:
entries available.
1514 Edinburgh. Name of persons about whom
1715 Aberdeen. search is king made.
1674 Argyll. Date of birth.
1576 Brechin. Place or Parish in ScotIand where
1661 Caithness. born.