Page 176 - My FlipBook
P. 176
records records since file ûfüce has records 1909, al1 original records before 1914. informa- this file costs Ljttle or Smith write : death
State OfEce has since 1908. State Office has 1913. since Records on 1900. State since 1st July also counties aed date. in that State OfFice has records 1st Feb. since Verification of tion from 50 cents. For records 1914 in before Fort Rock, Texarkana, Clerk in place City or birth where occurred.
Vifal HeaIth Pago. Health, Arkansas.
of Statisiics Vital Health, Vital of Vital of Pago Samoa Vital State Dept. of Hdth, 18, Arizona Vithl of
Address of Bureau Statistics, State DepL Montgomery 4, Alabama of Bureau Statistics, Dept. Alaska & Welfare, Aiaska mce Building, Juneau, Aiaska Registrar Statistics, American Bureau of Statistics, Phoenix Bureau of Statistics, Board State Little Rock,
Stat Alabama Amencan Samoa Arizona Arkansas
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