Page 165 - My FlipBook
P. 165
The standard fees for research are Arms personaily it is better to write
very small (see Fees for Certificates) to him direct. If not a general letter
but as it is not always possible to of application to the College will be
give an estimate for the number of dealt with by the 'Officer of Ams
years to be searched it is perhaps in Waiting '.
better to offer the incumbent a
choie of either the statutory fee or
Society of Genealogists,
a donation to the Parish funds. In
37 Harrington Gardens,
most cases he will elect the latter
London S.W.7.
but one should ensure that by this
method he receives at least as much
A letter to the secretary will provide
if not more than the statutory fee,
the assistance one requires but
plus postage.
owing to a terrific volume of work
The narne of the incumbent can
in hand there may be anything up
always be ascertained from the
to nine months' delay before one's
latest edition of Crockford's Ecclesi-
application can be dealt with.
astical register.
Lyon Office,
Parish Registers, Scotland - Scot-
New Register House,
tish Parish Registers commence in
the middle of the 17th century.
Their origin is obscure and initially
they were Iess well kept than those
Deals with Scottish applicants and
in England, They are now al1 stored
a general letter addressed as above
in the New Register House, Edin-
will provide information on Iiow to
burgh and may be searched by per-
proceed further.
sonal application. Alternatively, for
those living away frdm Edinburgh
The Scots Ancestry Research
an application for search may be
sent througli the post, though there
22 York Place.
will be considerable delay before it
Edinburgh 2.
can be answered.
Professional Help - Very few A non-profit rnaking Society which
amateur GeneaIogists have time carries out research for its members.
available to carry out research into A membership fee of two guineas
their family history as they would is payable on application after
like to and at some time or other it which researches are carried out
becomes necessary or desirable to for a reasonable charge on a rota-
arrange for professional assistance. tion basis. There is usually a delay
In a case where the cost is not of of about three to six months.
vital importance recourse may be
made to certain professional bodies Genealogical Office,
to carry out the entire research. Dublin Castie.
Such bodies include: Dublin.
The Coilege of Arms.
Queen Victoria Street, The oltice of the chief Herald of
London E.C.4. Ireland, which came into existence
in 1943 will carry out research into
If one knows one of the OfTicers of Irish families at a moderate fee but